Cracking the Coding Interview, 6th Edition: 189 Programming Questions and Solutions 6th Edition

Author: Gayle Laakmann McDowell
Publication date: July 1, 2015
Pages: 687

Table of Contents:
  1. The Interview Process
  2. Behind the Scenes 
  3. Special Situations
  4. Before the Interview
  5. Behavioral Questions
  6. Big O
  7. Technical Questions
  8. The Offer and Beyond
  9. Interview Questions (Data Structure, Concept and Algorithms,  Knowledge Based)

OCA/OCP Java SE 7 Programmer I & II Study Guid

More detail or purchase here >>  OCA/OCP Java SE 7 Programmer I & II Study Guide

Author: Kathy Sierra
Publication date: October 24, 2014
Pages: 888

Table of Contents:
  1. OCA and OCP (Declaration and Access Control, Object Orientation, Assignments, Operators, Working with Strings, Arrays, abd ArrayLists, Flow Control and Exceptions)
  2. OCP (Assesttions and Java 7 Exceoptions, String Processing, Data Formatting, Resource Bundles, I/O and NIO, Advnaced OO and Design Patterns, Generics and Caollections, Inner Classes, Threads, Concurrency, JDBC)

Web Development with Node and Express: Leveraging the JavaScript Stack

More detail or purchase here >> The Beginner's Guide to Android Game Development

Author: Ethan Brown
Publication date: July 25, 2014
Pages: 330

Table of Contents:
  1. Introducing Express (JavaScript Revolution, Introducing & Brief History of Express, Node: A New Kind of Express, Node Ecosystem).
  2. Getting Started with Node.
  3. Saving Time with Express (Scaffolding, The Meadowlark Travel Website).
  4. Tidying Up (Best Practices, Version Control, npm Packages, Project Metadata, Node Modules).
  5. Quality Assurance (Logic vs Presentation, Types of Tests, QA Techniques, Page Testing, Cross-Page Testing, Logic Testing, Liting, Link Checking, Automating with Grunt, Continuous Integration(CI)).
  6. The Request and Response Objects.
  7. Templating with Handlebars (Template Engine, Jade: A Different Approach, Handlebars Basics).
  8. Form Handling (HTML Forms, Encoding, Form Handling with Express, Handling AJAX Forms, File Uploads, jQuery File Upload).
  9. Cookies and Session (Externalizing Credentials, Cookies in Express, Examining Cookies, Sessions, Using Sessions to Implement Flash Message).
  10. Middleware.
  11. Sending Email (SMTP, MSAs, and MTAs, Receiving Email, Email Headers & Formats, HTML Email, Nodemailer, Better Options for Bulk Email, Sending HTML Email, Enail as a Site Monitoring Tool).
  12. Production Concerns (Execution Environments, Environment-Specific Configuration, Scaling Your Website, Monitoring Your Website, Stress Testing).
  13. Persistence (Filesystem & Cloud & Database Persistence).
  14. Routing (Route and SEO, Subdomains, Route Handlers are Middleware & Paths and Regular Expressiong & Parameters).
  15. REST APIs and JSON (JSON & XML, API Error Reporting, Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS), Using Express to Provide an API & REST Plugin & Subdomain).
  16. Static Content.
  17. Implementing MVC in Express.
  18. Security (HTTPS, Cross-Site Request Forgery, Authentication).
  19. Integrating with Third-Party APIs (Social Media, Geocoding, Wether Data)
  20. Debugging.
  21. Going Live (Domain Registration and Hosting).
  22. Maintenance.
  23. Additional Resources (Online Doc, Periodicals, Stack Overflow, Contributing to Express).
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