More detail or purchase here >> Pro C# 5.0 and the .NET 4.5 Framework
Publication date: Aug 22, 2012
Pages: 1,560
Detail: This book teach aboutซ
- Introduction to C# and .NET Platform: The Philosophy of .NET, Building C# Applications.
- Core C# Programming: Core C# Programming Constructs.
- Object-Oriented Programming with C#: Understanding Encapsulation, Understanding Inheritance, Understanding Structured Exception Handling, Working with Interface.
- Advanced C# Programming: Collections and Generics, Delegates Events and Lambda Expressions, Advanced C# Language Features, LINQ to Objects, Understanding Object Lifetime.
- Programming with .NET Assemblies: Building and Configuring Class Libraries, Type Reflection, Late Binding abd Attribute-Based Programming, Dynamic Types and The Dynamic Language Runtime, Processes, AppDomians and Object Contexts, Understanding CIL and The Role of Dynamic Assemblies.
- Introducing the .NET Baes Class Libraries: Multithreaded, Parallel and Async Programming, File I/O and Object Serialization, ADO.NET The Connected Layer, ADO.NET The Disconnected Layer, ADO.NET The Entity Framework, Introduction to LINQ to XML, Introduction to WCF, Introduction to WF.
- Introduction to Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF): Introduction to WPF and XAML, Programming with WPF Controls, WPF Graphics Rendering Services, WPF Resources, Animations abd Style, Dependency Propertiesm Routed Events and Templates.
- ASP.NET Web Forms: Introduction ASP.NET Web Forms, ASP.NET Web Controls, Master Pages and Themes, ASP.NET State Management Techniques.