Showing posts with label Entity Framework. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Entity Framework. Show all posts

Professional Visual Studio 2013 (Wrox Programmer to Programmer)

Author: Bruce Johnson
Publication date: March 17, 2014
Pages: 1,104

Table of Contents:
  1. Introduction
  2. Part I: Integrated Development Environment
    • A Quick Tour
    • The Solution Explorer
    • Options and Customizations
    • The Visual Studio Worksapce
    • Find and Replace and Help
  3. Part II: Getting Started
    • Solutions, Projects and Items
    • IntelliSense and Bookmarks
    • Code Snippets and Refactoring
    • Server Explorer
    • Modeling with the Class Designer
  4. Part III: Digging Deeper
    • Unit Testing
    • Documentation with XML comments
    • Code Consistency Tools
    • Code Generation with T4
    • Project and Item Templates
    • Language-Specific Features
  5. Part IV: Rich Client Application
    • Windows Forms Applications
    • Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF)
    • Office Business Applications
    • Windows Store Applications
  6. Part V: Web Applications
    • ASP.NET Web Forms
    • Silverlight
    • Dynamic Data
    • SharePoint
    • Windows Azure
  7. Part VI: Data
    • Visual Database Tools
    • DataSets and DataBinding
    • Language Integrated Queries (LINQ)
    • The ADO.NET Entity Framework
    • Reporting
  8. Part VII: Application Services
    • Windows Communication Foundation (WCF)
    • Windows Workflow Foundation (WF)
    • Client Application Services
    • Synchronization Services
    • WCF RIA Services
  9. Part VIII: Configuration and Resources
    • Configuration Files
    • Connection Strings
    • Resource Files
  10. Part IX: Debugging
    • Using the Debugging Windows
    • Debugging with Breakpoints
    • DataTips, Debug Proxies and Visualizers
    • Debugging Web Applications
    • Advanced Debugging Techniques
  11. Part X: Build and Deployment
    • Upgrading with Visual Studio 2013
    • Build Customization
    • Assembly Versioning and Signing
    • Obfuscation, Application Monitoring, and Management
    • Packaging and Deployment
    • Web Application Deployment
  12. Part XI: Customizing and Extending Visual Studio
    • The Automation Model
    • Add-Ins
    • Managed Extensibility Framework (MEF)
  13. Part XII: Visual Studio Ultimate
    • Visual Studio Ultimate for Architects
    • Visual Studio Ultimate for Developers
    • Visual Studio Ultimate for Testers
    • Team Foundation Server
  14. Advertisement
  15. End User License Agreement

Entity Framework 6 Recipes

More detail or purchase here >> Entity Framework 6 Recipes

Author: Brian Driscoll, Nitin Gupta, Robert Vettor, Zeeshan Hirani, Larry Tenny
Publication date: October 29, 2013
Pages: 548

Table of Contents:
  1. Getting Started with Entity Framework 
  2. Entity Data Modeling Fundamentals
  3. Querying an Entity Data Model
  4. Using Entity Framework in ASP.NET
  5. Loading Entities and Navigation Properties
  6. Beyond the Basics with Modeling and Inheritance
  7. Working with Object Services
  8. Plain Old CLR Objects
  9. Using the Entity Framework in N-Tier Applications
  10. Stored Procedures
  11. Functions
  12. Customizing Entity Framework Objects
  13. Improving Performance
  14. Concurrency
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