Showing posts with label Visual Studio. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Visual Studio. Show all posts

Professional Visual Studio 2013 (Wrox Programmer to Programmer)

Author: Bruce Johnson
Publication date: March 17, 2014
Pages: 1,104

Table of Contents:
  1. Introduction
  2. Part I: Integrated Development Environment
    • A Quick Tour
    • The Solution Explorer
    • Options and Customizations
    • The Visual Studio Worksapce
    • Find and Replace and Help
  3. Part II: Getting Started
    • Solutions, Projects and Items
    • IntelliSense and Bookmarks
    • Code Snippets and Refactoring
    • Server Explorer
    • Modeling with the Class Designer
  4. Part III: Digging Deeper
    • Unit Testing
    • Documentation with XML comments
    • Code Consistency Tools
    • Code Generation with T4
    • Project and Item Templates
    • Language-Specific Features
  5. Part IV: Rich Client Application
    • Windows Forms Applications
    • Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF)
    • Office Business Applications
    • Windows Store Applications
  6. Part V: Web Applications
    • ASP.NET Web Forms
    • Silverlight
    • Dynamic Data
    • SharePoint
    • Windows Azure
  7. Part VI: Data
    • Visual Database Tools
    • DataSets and DataBinding
    • Language Integrated Queries (LINQ)
    • The ADO.NET Entity Framework
    • Reporting
  8. Part VII: Application Services
    • Windows Communication Foundation (WCF)
    • Windows Workflow Foundation (WF)
    • Client Application Services
    • Synchronization Services
    • WCF RIA Services
  9. Part VIII: Configuration and Resources
    • Configuration Files
    • Connection Strings
    • Resource Files
  10. Part IX: Debugging
    • Using the Debugging Windows
    • Debugging with Breakpoints
    • DataTips, Debug Proxies and Visualizers
    • Debugging Web Applications
    • Advanced Debugging Techniques
  11. Part X: Build and Deployment
    • Upgrading with Visual Studio 2013
    • Build Customization
    • Assembly Versioning and Signing
    • Obfuscation, Application Monitoring, and Management
    • Packaging and Deployment
    • Web Application Deployment
  12. Part XI: Customizing and Extending Visual Studio
    • The Automation Model
    • Add-Ins
    • Managed Extensibility Framework (MEF)
  13. Part XII: Visual Studio Ultimate
    • Visual Studio Ultimate for Architects
    • Visual Studio Ultimate for Developers
    • Visual Studio Ultimate for Testers
    • Team Foundation Server
  14. Advertisement
  15. End User License Agreement

Entity Framework 6 Recipes

More detail or purchase here >> Entity Framework 6 Recipes

Author: Brian Driscoll, Nitin Gupta, Robert Vettor, Zeeshan Hirani, Larry Tenny
Publication date: October 29, 2013
Pages: 548

Table of Contents:
  1. Getting Started with Entity Framework 
  2. Entity Data Modeling Fundamentals
  3. Querying an Entity Data Model
  4. Using Entity Framework in ASP.NET
  5. Loading Entities and Navigation Properties
  6. Beyond the Basics with Modeling and Inheritance
  7. Working with Object Services
  8. Plain Old CLR Objects
  9. Using the Entity Framework in N-Tier Applications
  10. Stored Procedures
  11. Functions
  12. Customizing Entity Framework Objects
  13. Improving Performance
  14. Concurrency


More detail or purchase here >> Pro ASP.NET MVC 5

Author: Adam Freeman
Publication date: December 19, 2013
Pages: 832

Table of Contents:

  1. What's The Big Idea. (History about ASP.NET, Web Development Today, Key Benefits of ASP.NET MVC)
  2. Your first MVC Application(Preparing Visual Studio, Creating a Sample Data-Entry Application)
  3. The MVC Pattern(History about MVC, MVC Pattern)
  4.  Essential Language Features(Using Automatically Implemented Properties, Object and Collection Initializers, Extension Methods, Lambda Expressions, Automatic Type Inference, Anonymous Types, Performing Language Integrated Queries, Async Methods)
  5. Working with Razor(Working with the Model Object, Layouts, Razor Expression)
  6. Essential Tools for MVC(Using Ninject, Moq)
  7. Sports Store: A Real Application(Starting the Domain Model, Displaying a List of Products, Preparing a Database, Adding Pagination, Styling the Content)
  8. Sports Store: Navigation(Adding Navigation Controls, Building the Shopping Cart)
  9. Sports Store: Cart(Using Model Binding, Completing the Cart, Submitting Orders)
  10. Sports Store: Mobile(Putting Mobile Web Development in Context, Using Responsive Design, Creating Mobile Specific Content)
  11. Sports Store: Admin(Adding Catalog Management)
  12. Sports Store: Security and Finishing Touches(Securing the Administrator Controller, Image Uploads)
  13. Deployment(Preparing Windows Azure)
  14. Overview of MVC5 Projects(Working with Visual Studio NVC Projects, Debugging MVC Applications, Using Browser Link)
  15. URL Routing(Introduction to URL Patterns, Creating and Registering a Simple Route, Defining Default Values, Using URL Static Segments, Constraining Routes, Using Attribute Routing)
  16. Advanced Routing Features(Generate Outgoing URLs in Views, Customizing the Routing System, Working with Areas, Routing Requests, for Disk Files, Bypassing the Routing System, URL Schema Best Practics)
  17. Controllers and Actions(Introduction to Controller, Receiving Request Data, Producing Output)
  18. Filters(Using Filters, Authorization Filters, Authentication Filters, Exception Filters, Actions Filters, Result Filters. Other Filter Features)
  19. Controllers Extensibility(Custom Control Factory, Build-in Control Factory, Custom Action Invoker, Build-in Action Invoker, Improve Performance with Specialized Controllers)
  20. Views. (Custom View Engine, Razor Engine, Dynamic Content to a Razor View)
  21. Helper Methods(Creating Custom Help Methods, Using the Built-in Form Helper Methods)
  22. Templated Helper Methods(Model Metadata, Customizing the Templated View Helper System)
  23. URL and Ajax Helper Meothods(Creating Basic Link and URL, Using MVC Unobtrusive Ajax, Creating an Unobtrusive Ajax Form, Creating Ajax Link, Ajax Callback, JSON)
  24. Model Binding(Using Default Model Binder, Manually Invoking Model Binding, Customizing the Model Binding System)
  25. Model Validation. (Explicitly Model Validation, Displaying Validation Message, Alternative Validation Techniques, Performing Client-Side Validation, Performing Remote Validation)
  26. Bundles. (Profiling Script and CSS Loading, Using Script and Style Bundle)
  27. WebAPI and Single Page Applications(Using WebAPI, Understand How API Control Works, Using Knockout for Single-Page Applications, Completing the Application)

Programming in HTML5 with JavaScript and CSS3 (Training Guide)

Book4Coding, Programming in HTML5 with JavaScript and CSS3 (Training Guide)

More detail or purchase here >> Programming in HTML5 with JavaScript and CSS3

Author: Glenn Johnson
Publication date: April 5, 2013
Pages: 688
Detail: This book teach about Visual Studio 2012, HTML5, JavaScript, CSS3, Essential JavaScript and jQuery, Working with Forms, Websites and Services, Asyncronouse Operation, WebSocket Communications, HTML5s support multimedia, Drawing with HTML5, Drag and Drop, Making HTML location-aware, Local data with web storage, Offline web applications.

Head First C#, 2E: A Learner's Guide to Real-World Programming with Visual C# and .NET (Head First Guides)

book4coding, Book for Coding

Author: Andrew Stellman, Jenifer Greene
Publication date: May 28, 2010
Pages: 840
Detail: This book teach about Get productive with C#: Visual Application in 10 Minutes or less, It's All Just Code: Under the hood, Objects: Get Oriented: Making Code Make Sense, Types and References: It's 10:00 Do you know where your data is?, Encapsulation, Inheritance, Interface and abstract class, Enums and Collections, Reading the Writing Files, Exception Handling, Events and Delegates, Review and Preview, Controls and Graphics, Captain Amazing, LINQ.

Pro C# 5.0 and the .NET 4.5 Framework

book4coding, Book for Coding

More detail or purchase here >> Pro C# 5.0 and the .NET 4.5 Framework

Author: Andrew Troelsen
Publication date: Aug 22, 2012
Pages: 1,560
Detail: This book teach aboutซ

  1. Introduction to C# and .NET Platform: The Philosophy of .NET, Building C# Applications.
  2. Core C# Programming:  Core C# Programming Constructs. 
  3. Object-Oriented Programming with C#: Understanding Encapsulation, Understanding Inheritance, Understanding Structured Exception Handling, Working with Interface.
  4. Advanced C# Programming: Collections and Generics, Delegates Events and Lambda Expressions, Advanced C# Language Features, LINQ to Objects, Understanding Object Lifetime.
  5. Programming with .NET Assemblies: Building and Configuring Class Libraries, Type Reflection, Late Binding abd Attribute-Based Programming, Dynamic Types and The Dynamic Language Runtime, Processes, AppDomians and Object Contexts, Understanding CIL and The Role of Dynamic Assemblies.
  6. Introducing the .NET Baes Class Libraries: Multithreaded, Parallel and Async Programming, File I/O and Object Serialization, ADO.NET The Connected Layer, ADO.NET The Disconnected Layer, ADO.NET The Entity Framework, Introduction to LINQ to XML, Introduction to WCF, Introduction to WF.
  7. Introduction to Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF): Introduction to WPF and XAML, Programming with WPF Controls, WPF Graphics Rendering Services, WPF Resources, Animations abd Style, Dependency Propertiesm Routed Events and Templates.
  8. ASP.NET Web Forms: Introduction ASP.NET Web Forms, ASP.NET Web Controls, Master Pages and Themes, ASP.NET State Management Techniques.
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