Showing posts with label 2011. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 2011. Show all posts

Learning Android


More detail or purchase here >> Learning Android

Author: Marko Gargenta
Publication date: March 28, 2011
Pages: 270

Table of Contents:
  1. Android Overview.
  2. The Stack. (Stack Overview, Linux, Native Libraries, Dalvik, Application Framework)
  3. Quick Start. (Installing the Android SDK, Hello World, The Emulator)
  4. Main Building Blocks. (Real World Example, Activities, Intents, Services, Content Providers, Broadcast Receivers, Application Context)
  5. Yamba Project Overview. (Yamba Application, Design Philosophy)
  6. Android UI. (Two Ways to Create a UI, Views and Layouts, Starting the Yamba Project, The StatusActivity Layout, The StatusActivity  Java Class, Logging in Android, Threading in Android, Adding Colors and Graphics, Alternative Resources, Optimizing the UI)
  7. Preferences, Filesystem, Options Menu and Intents.
  8. Services. (The Yamba Application Object, UpdateService, Looping in the Service, Pulling Data from Twitter)
  9. The Database. (SQLite, DbHelper, Update UpdateServer, Refactoring Status Data)
  10. Lists and Adapters. (TimelineActivity, Basic TimelineActivity Layout, About Adapters, TimelineAdapter, ViewBuilder, Updating the Manifest File, Base Activity)
  11. Broadcast Receivers. (BootReceiver, TimeLineReceiver, Broadcasting Intents, The Network Receiver, Custom Permissions to Send and Receive Boardbasts)
  12. Content Providers. (Create and Using Content Providers)
  13. System Services. (Compass Demo, Location Service, Updating Yanba to Use the Location Service, Intent Service, Sending Notifications)
  14. The Android Interface Definition Language. (Implement the Remote Service and Client)
  15. The Native Development Kit (NDK)

Foundation HTML5 Animation with JavaScript

More detail or purchase here >> Foundation HTML5 Animation with JavaScript

Author: Billy Lamberta, Keith Peters
Publication date: November 30, 2011
Pages: 304
Detail: This book teach about;
  1. Basic Animation Concepts. (Frames and motion, Dynamic vs Static animation)
  2. Basics of JavaScript for Animation. (An introduction to HTML5, Animating with Code, JavaScript Objects, U.I.)
  3. HTML5 and Canvas graphics. (Trigonometry, Angles, Rotation, Waves, Circles and Eclipses, Pythagorean Theorem)
  4. Trigonometry for Animation. (Colors on the Canvas, The Drawing API, The canvas Context, Removing the drawing with clearRect, Drawing paths with lineTo and moveTo, Creating Shapes with Fill, Loading and Drawing Images. Pixel Manipulation)
  5. Velocity and Acceleration. 
  6. Boundaries and Friction. 
  7. User Interaction: Moving Objects Around. (Pressing and Releasing an Object, Dragging an Object, Throwing)
  8. Easing and Springing. 
  9. Collision Detection. (Collision Detection Methods, Geometric Hit Testing Methods, Distance-Based Collision Detection, Multiple-Object Collision Detection Strategies)
  10. Coordination Rotation and Bouncing Off Angles.
  11. Billiard Ball Physics. (Mass, Momentum, Conservation of Momentum)
  12. Particle Attraction and Gravity. (Particles, Gravity, Springs)
  13. Forward Kinematics: Making Things Walk. (Automation the Process, Making it Reality Walk)
  14. Inverse Kinematics: Dragging and Reaching. (Reaching and Dragging Single Segments, Dragging Multiple Segments, Reaching with Multiple Segments, Using the Standard Inverse Kinematics Method)
  15. 3D Basics. (3D and Perspective, Velocity and Acceleration, Bouncing, Gravity, Wrapping, Easing and Springing, Coordinate Rotation, Collision Detection)
  16. 3D Lines and Fills. (Creating Points and Lines, Making Shapes, Creating 3D Fills, Modeling 3D Solids, Moving 3D Solids)
  17. Backface Culling and 3D Lighting. (Backface, Enhanced Depth Sorting, 3D Lighting)
  18. Matrix Math. (Matrix Basics and Operations, Canvas Transforms)
  19. Tips and Tricks. (Brownian Random Motion, Random Distribution, Timer-Based and Time-Based Animation, Collisions between Same-Mass Objects, Integrating Sound)

Foundation HTML5 Canvas: For Games and Entertainment

More detail or purchase here >> Foundation HTML5 Canvas: For Games and Entertainment

Author: Rob Hawkes
Publication date: April 10, 2011
Pages: 316
Detail: This book teach about;
  1. Introduction to HTML5
  2. Foundation JavaScript
  3. Learning the Basics of Canvas
  4. Pushing Canvas Further
  5. Manipulating Images and Video
  6. Making Things Move
  7. Implementing Advanced Animation
  8. Creating the Space Bowling Game
  9. Creating the Asteroid Avoidance Game
  10. Taking Things Further and the Future of Canvas

HTML5 Games: Creating Fun with HTML5, CSS3, and WebGL

More detail or purchase here >> HTML5 Games: Creating Fun with HTML5, CSS3, and WebGL  

Author: Jacob Seidelin
Publication date: December 27, 2011
Pages: 456
Detail: This book teach about;
  1. Gaming on the Web. (History of HTML5, Using HTML5 for Games, Creating Backward Compatibility. Building a Game.)
  2. Taking the First Step. (Understanding the Game, Identifying Game Stages, Creating the Application Skeleton, Creating the Splash Screen.)
  3. Going Mobile. (Developing Mobile Applications, Handling User Input on Mobile Devices, Adapting to Small Screen Resolutions, Creating Different Views, Developing for iOS and Android Devices, Debugging mobile Web Applications.)
  4. Building the Game. (Creating the Game Board Module, Implementing the Rules.)
  5. Delegating Tasks to Web Workers..
  6. Creating the Game Display. (Preloading Game Files, Improving the Background, Building the Game Screen.)
  7. Interacting with the Game. (Capturing User Input, Building the Input Module.)
  8. Animating Game Graphics. (Making the Game React, Adding Points and Time.)
  9. Creating Audio for Games. (HTML5 Audio, Using the audio Element, Working with Audio Data, Building the Audio Module.)
  10. Resourses

JavaScript: The Definitive Guide: Activate Your Web Pages (Definitive Guides)

Book4Coding, JavaScript: The Definitive Guide: Activate Your Web Pages (Definitive Guides)

More detail or purchase here >>JavaScript: The Definitive Guide: Activate Your Web Pages (Definitive Guides)

Author: Devid Flanagan
Publication date: May 10, 2011
Pages: 1,100
Detail: This book teach about Introduction to JavaScript, Lexical Structure, Types Values and Variables, Expression and Operators, Statements, Objects, Arrays, Functions, Classes and Modules, Pattern Matching with Regular Expression, JavaScript Subsets and Extensions, Server-Side Script, JavaScript in Browsers, The Window Object, Script Documents, Scripting CSS, Handling Events, Scripted HTML, The jQuery Libraries, Client-Side Storage, Scripted Media and Graphics, HTML5 APIs.

The Definitive Guide to HTML5

Book4Coding, The Definitive Guide to HTML5Book4Coding, The Definitive Guide to HTML5

More detail or purchase here >> The Definitive Guide to HTML5

Author: Adam Freeman
Publication date: Dec 14, 2011
Pages: 1080
Detail: This book teach about;
  1. Putting HTML5 in Context: Getting Ready, Getting Started with HTML, Getting Started with CSS, Getting Started with JavaScript
  2. The HTML Elements: HTML Elements in Context, Creating HTML Documents, Marking Up Text, Grouping Content, Creating Sections, Table Elements, Working with Forms, Customizing the Input Element, Other Form Elements and Input Validation, Embedding Content.
  3. Cascading Style Sheets: CSS in Context, Using the CSS in Context, Using the CSS Selectors, Using Borders and Backgrounds, Working with the Box Model, Creating Layouts, Styling Text, Transitions, Animations and Transforms, Other CSS Properties and Features.
  4. Working with the DOM: The DOM in Context, Working with the Document Object, Working with the Window Object, Working with DOM Elements, Working with Events, Using the Element-Specific Objects.
  5. Advanced Features: Using Ajax, Working with Multimedia, Using the Canvas Element, Using Drag and Drop, Using Geolocation, Using Web Storage, Creating Office Web Applications.

JavaScript & jQuery: The Missing Manual

More detail or purchase here >> JavaScript & jQuery: The Missing Manual 

Author: David Sawyer McFarland
Publication date: Oct 28, 2011
Pages: 540
Detail: This book teach about Writing Your First JavaScript Program, The Grammar of JavaScript. Adding Logic and Control to your Program, Introduction to jQuery, Alive with Events, Improving your Images, Improving Navigation, Enhancing Web Forms, Expanding Your Interface, Introduction Ajax, Flickr and Google Maps, Troubleshooting and Debugging.

HTML5: The Missing Manual

More detail or purchase here >> HTML5: The Missing Manual 

Author: Matthew MacDonald
Publication date: Aug 26, 2011
Pages: 450+
Detail: This book teach about Introduction to HTML5, A new way to structure pages, Meaningful Markup, Web Forms, Refined,  Audio and Video, Basic drawing with the canvas, Deeper into the canvas, Boosting styles with CSS3, Data Store, Offline Application, Communicating with the Web Server, More coll JavaScript trinks

HTML, XHTML and CSS For Dummies

More detail or buy here >> HTML, XHTML and CSS For Dummies

Author: Jon Duckett
Publication date: Jan 11, 2011
Pages: 370+
Detail: This book teach about Getting to Know (X)HTML and CSS, Formatting Web Pages with (X)HTML, Taking Precise Control over Web Pages and Styles, Scripting and (X)HTML, The Future of (X)HTML and The Part of Tens.

HTML and CSS: Design and Build Websites

More detail or buy here >> HTML and CSS: Design and Build Websites

Author: Jon Duckett
Publication date: Nov 8, 2011
Pages: 500+
Detail: This book teach about 1) Html structure, text, lists, links, images, tables, forms, extra markup, flash, video & audio 2) CSS Introduction , color, text, boxes, lists. tables & forms, layout, images and 3) HTML5 layout, process & design, Practical Information.
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