Publication date: March 28, 2011
Pages: 270
Table of Contents:
- Android Overview.
- The Stack. (Stack Overview, Linux, Native Libraries, Dalvik, Application Framework)
- Quick Start. (Installing the Android SDK, Hello World, The Emulator)
- Main Building Blocks. (Real World Example, Activities, Intents, Services, Content Providers, Broadcast Receivers, Application Context)
- Yamba Project Overview. (Yamba Application, Design Philosophy)
- Android UI. (Two Ways to Create a UI, Views and Layouts, Starting the Yamba Project, The StatusActivity Layout, The StatusActivity Java Class, Logging in Android, Threading in Android, Adding Colors and Graphics, Alternative Resources, Optimizing the UI)
- Preferences, Filesystem, Options Menu and Intents.
- Services. (The Yamba Application Object, UpdateService, Looping in the Service, Pulling Data from Twitter)
- The Database. (SQLite, DbHelper, Update UpdateServer, Refactoring Status Data)
- Lists and Adapters. (TimelineActivity, Basic TimelineActivity Layout, About Adapters, TimelineAdapter, ViewBuilder, Updating the Manifest File, Base Activity)
- Broadcast Receivers. (BootReceiver, TimeLineReceiver, Broadcasting Intents, The Network Receiver, Custom Permissions to Send and Receive Boardbasts)
- Content Providers. (Create and Using Content Providers)
- System Services. (Compass Demo, Location Service, Updating Yanba to Use the Location Service, Intent Service, Sending Notifications)
- The Android Interface Definition Language. (Implement the Remote Service and Client)
- The Native Development Kit (NDK)