Showing posts with label JavaScript. Show all posts
Showing posts with label JavaScript. Show all posts

FEB 2014 Top 10 Hot New Release - Programming Book

1# iOS 7 Application Development in 24 Hours, Sams Teach Yourself (5th Edition)
Click at Book's Image for more detail or purchase.

2# Programming in HTML5 with JavaScript and CSS3 
Click at Book's Image for more detail or purchase.

3# Java SE 8 for the Really Impatient 

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4# The Privacy Engineer's Manifesto: 
Getting from Policy to Code to QA to Value
Click at Book's Image for more detail or purchase.

5# Beginning Haskell 
Click at Book's Image for more detail or purchase.

6# Learning Android: 
Develop Mobile Apps using Java and Eclipse
Click at Book's Image for more detail or purchase.

7# Data Structures and Algorithms in Java
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8# Programming in Java with Financial Literacy
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9# Android How to Program (2nd Edition)
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10# Web Development with Clojure: 
Build Bulletproof Web Apps with Less Code
Click at Book's Image for more detail or purchase.

Foundation Game Design with HTML5 and JavaScript

More detail or purchase here >> Foundation Game Design with HTML5 and JavaScript

Author: Rex van der Spuy
Publication date: November 23, 2012
Pages: 752
Detail: This book teach about;
  1. Learning HTML and CSS. (HTML: Tag, Basic Webpage; CSS Font, List, Border, Padding, Height and Width, Cascading Style, Using <DIV> Elements, Positioning, Floating, The Box Model, Organize Code and Media)
  2. Learning JavaScript. (Variables, Conditioning, Function, Controlling HTML and CSS, Organizing JavaScript Code, Debugging)
  3. Your First Games. (A basic number-guessing game, Polishing Up, Making Really Nice Button, Seeing the Game, Alien Attack)
  4. Creating a Game World. (Array for Storing Lots of Information, Making an Adventure Game)
  5. Making Maps. (Array inside Array, Case Study: Island Adventure)
  6. Objects and Animation. (Canvas, Making Objects, Making Copies of Objects, Object States, Time State Changes, Monster Smash)
  7. Game Sprites. (Interactive Sprite, Interactive Sprite with Rotation, Moving a Sprite with the Keyboard, Screen Boundaries, Scrolling, Moving a Sprite with the Mouse and Touch)
  8. Bumping Into Things. (Point Collisions, Circle Collisions, Rectangle Collisions, Collision Funciton)
  9. Making Video Games. (File and Folder Structure, Firing Missile, Making Aliens, Shooting Down Aliens, Display Game Messages, Adding Sound)
  10. Making Bigger Games. (Planing, Building, Making Bigger Sprites and Game Message, Playing and Scrolling Time Bomb Panic, Maze Monsters, Switching Game Levels, Using a Tile Map Editor)
  11. Physics and Platform Games. (Natural Motion Using Physics, Hedgehog Apocalypse)
  12. Advanced Character Control. (X and Y Positions, Moving a Sprite with Easing, Mouse-based and Touch-based Platform Game, Rotation, Killer Bee Pandemonium, Using Drag and Drop for Canvas, Combining a Touch Interface and the Mouse in One Program)

Foundation HTML5 Animation with JavaScript

More detail or purchase here >> Foundation HTML5 Animation with JavaScript

Author: Billy Lamberta, Keith Peters
Publication date: November 30, 2011
Pages: 304
Detail: This book teach about;
  1. Basic Animation Concepts. (Frames and motion, Dynamic vs Static animation)
  2. Basics of JavaScript for Animation. (An introduction to HTML5, Animating with Code, JavaScript Objects, U.I.)
  3. HTML5 and Canvas graphics. (Trigonometry, Angles, Rotation, Waves, Circles and Eclipses, Pythagorean Theorem)
  4. Trigonometry for Animation. (Colors on the Canvas, The Drawing API, The canvas Context, Removing the drawing with clearRect, Drawing paths with lineTo and moveTo, Creating Shapes with Fill, Loading and Drawing Images. Pixel Manipulation)
  5. Velocity and Acceleration. 
  6. Boundaries and Friction. 
  7. User Interaction: Moving Objects Around. (Pressing and Releasing an Object, Dragging an Object, Throwing)
  8. Easing and Springing. 
  9. Collision Detection. (Collision Detection Methods, Geometric Hit Testing Methods, Distance-Based Collision Detection, Multiple-Object Collision Detection Strategies)
  10. Coordination Rotation and Bouncing Off Angles.
  11. Billiard Ball Physics. (Mass, Momentum, Conservation of Momentum)
  12. Particle Attraction and Gravity. (Particles, Gravity, Springs)
  13. Forward Kinematics: Making Things Walk. (Automation the Process, Making it Reality Walk)
  14. Inverse Kinematics: Dragging and Reaching. (Reaching and Dragging Single Segments, Dragging Multiple Segments, Reaching with Multiple Segments, Using the Standard Inverse Kinematics Method)
  15. 3D Basics. (3D and Perspective, Velocity and Acceleration, Bouncing, Gravity, Wrapping, Easing and Springing, Coordinate Rotation, Collision Detection)
  16. 3D Lines and Fills. (Creating Points and Lines, Making Shapes, Creating 3D Fills, Modeling 3D Solids, Moving 3D Solids)
  17. Backface Culling and 3D Lighting. (Backface, Enhanced Depth Sorting, 3D Lighting)
  18. Matrix Math. (Matrix Basics and Operations, Canvas Transforms)
  19. Tips and Tricks. (Brownian Random Motion, Random Distribution, Timer-Based and Time-Based Animation, Collisions between Same-Mass Objects, Integrating Sound)

HTML5 Game Development with ImpactJS

More detail or purchase here >> HTML5 Game Development with ImpactJS

Author: Davy Cielen, Arno Meysman
Publication date: March 26, 2013
Pages: 304
Detail: This book teach about;
  1. Firing Up Your First Impact Game. (Installing a XAMPP Server and the game engine "ImpactJS", Choosing a script editor, Running the premade game, Debugging your game with the browser and ImpactJS, Which helpful tools are out there (Ejecta, AppMobi, PhoneGap, Iawnchair, Scoreoid, Playtomic, webhost))
  2. Introduction to ImpactJS. (Buiding your own levels, Objects - playable and non-playable characters, The camera view, Adding music and sound effects, Game physics with Box2D)
  3. Let's Build a Role Playing Game. (The RPG game setting, Building and RPG level, Adding a playable character, Introducing a defeatable opponent, Giving the player some weapons, Bringing youe NPCs to life with artificial intelligence, Pickup items to help put your player, keeping score for player feedback, transitioning from one area to another, NPCs and conversation, The final battle.)
  4. Let's Build a Side Scroller Game(The side scroller game setting, Building a side scroller level, The playable character, Adding a minor foe, Introducing formidable weapons, Artificial intelligence, Pickup items, Keeping score, Transitioning from one level to another, The final battle.)
  5. Adding Some Advanced Features to Your Game. (The Start and Game Over screen, Handling game data, Extra functionalities for the RPG, Artificial intelligence: The hive mind, Implementing Playtomic for game analyrics.)
  6. Music and Sound Effects. (Making or buying the music, Buying tumes and sound effects, Making a basic tune using FL Studio, Adding background music to your game, Playing a sound when an action has happened, Tips when using sound files in your game.)
  7. Graphics. (Making or buying the graphics, Where to buy graphics, Introduction to vector graphics, Creating your own avatar using Adobe Photoshop, Adding your creation to the RPG, Hints for graphics in HTML5.)
  8. Adapting Your HTML5 Game to the Distribution Channels. (Preparing your game for the web browser and mobile web browsers, Turning the game into a web app for the Google Chrome Web Store, Pushing your game to Android's Google play store, Making your game available on Facebook, Direct canvas game acceleration with AppMobi.)
  9. Making Money with Your Game. (Your game development strategy, Making money with game apps (Google Play, iOS App Store, The Chrome Web Store), In-game advertising, Selling distribution rights with MarketJS.)

The Web Game Developer's Cookbook: Using JavaScript and HTML5 to Develop Games

More detail or purchase here >> The Web Game Developer's Cookbook: Using JavaScript and HTML5 to Develop Games

Author: Evan Burchard
Publication date: March 31, 2013
Pages: 368
Detail: This book teach about;
  1. Quiz. (Making the Questions, Hiding and Showing Your Quiz, Getting Your Questions Back, The Shopping List, Which Answers Are Correct?)
  2. Interactive Fiction. (Styled Pages, Goto Page, Adding and Inventory with Drag and Drop, Adding Complex Interactions, Breadcrumb Trail, A Dramatic Ending.)
  3. Party. (Creating a Sample Game in atom.js, Drawing with Canvas, Drawing Holes, Drawing a Mole, Putting the Moles in the Holes, Dynamic Mole Peeking, Bopping Moles, Wallowing in Despair with HTML5's <audio> tag.)
  4. Puzzle. (Rendering with easel.js, Rendering More Than One Thing, Creating Pairs, Macthing and Removing Pairs, Hiding and Flipping the Pictures, Winning and Losing, Caching and Performance, Matching Pairs Instead of Duplicates.)
  5. Platformer. (Getting Started with melon.js, Creating a Tiled Map, Starting the Game, Adding a Character, Building a Collision Map, Walking and Jumping, Title Screen, Adding Collectables, Enemies, Powerups, Losing Winning and Information.)
  6. Fighting. (Getting Started with game.js, Accessing Individual Sprites from a Spritesheet, Handling Input from Two Players, Moving and Changing Forms, Nonblocking Input, Implementing Bitmasks, Masking Collisions, Giving and Taking Damage.)
  7. Shooter. (Some Background info on Rendering, Getting Started with gameQuery, Addig Enemies, Making Your Ship, Enemy Collisions, Shooting, Powerups.)
  8. FPS. (Getting Started with Jaws, Creating a 2-D Map, Adding a Player, Raycasting Top View, Fake 3D with Raycasting, Adding a Camera, Making the World a More Photogenic Place, Adding a Friend or Foe.)
  9. RPG. (Getting Started with enchant.js, Creating a Map, Adding the Player, Adding a Collision Layer, Status Screen, Talking to NPCs, Creating an Inventory, Creating a Shop, Creating a Battle Interface, Saving Your Game with HTML5's Local Storage API.)
  10. RTS. (We Need a Server, Getting Node, Real Time with, Creating an Isometric Map with crafty.js, Drawing the Units, Moving Units, Player Specific Control and Visibility, Collisions for Destruction and Revelation.)
  11. Leveling Up.
  12. JavaScript Basic.
  13. Quality Control.
  14. Resources.

Programming in HTML5 with JavaScript and CSS3 (Training Guide)

Book4Coding, Programming in HTML5 with JavaScript and CSS3 (Training Guide)

More detail or purchase here >> Programming in HTML5 with JavaScript and CSS3

Author: Glenn Johnson
Publication date: April 5, 2013
Pages: 688
Detail: This book teach about Visual Studio 2012, HTML5, JavaScript, CSS3, Essential JavaScript and jQuery, Working with Forms, Websites and Services, Asyncronouse Operation, WebSocket Communications, HTML5s support multimedia, Drawing with HTML5, Drag and Drop, Making HTML location-aware, Local data with web storage, Offline web applications.

JavaScript Patterns

Book4Coding, JavaScript Patterns

More detail or purchase here >> JavaScript Patterns

Author: Stoyan Stefanov
Publication date: Sep 28, 2010
Detail: This book teach about Introduction, Essentials, Literals and Constructors, Functions, Object Creation Patterns, Code Reuse Patterns, Design Patterns, DOM and Browser Patterns

JavaScript: The Good Parts

Book4Coding, JavaScript: The Good Parts

More detail or purchase here >> JavaScript: The Good Parts

Author: Douglas Crockford
Publication date: May 2008
Pages: 176
Detail: This book teach about Good Parts, Grammar, Objects, Functions, Inheritance, Arrays, Regular Expression, Methods, Style, Beautiful Features.

JavaScript: The Definitive Guide: Activate Your Web Pages (Definitive Guides)

Book4Coding, JavaScript: The Definitive Guide: Activate Your Web Pages (Definitive Guides)

More detail or purchase here >>JavaScript: The Definitive Guide: Activate Your Web Pages (Definitive Guides)

Author: Devid Flanagan
Publication date: May 10, 2011
Pages: 1,100
Detail: This book teach about Introduction to JavaScript, Lexical Structure, Types Values and Variables, Expression and Operators, Statements, Objects, Arrays, Functions, Classes and Modules, Pattern Matching with Regular Expression, JavaScript Subsets and Extensions, Server-Side Script, JavaScript in Browsers, The Window Object, Script Documents, Scripting CSS, Handling Events, Scripted HTML, The jQuery Libraries, Client-Side Storage, Scripted Media and Graphics, HTML5 APIs.

Programming the Mobile Web

Book4Coding, Programming the Mobile Web

More detail or purchase here >> Programming the Mobile Web

Author: Maximiliano Firtman
Publication date: Apr 5, 2013
Pages: 774
Detail: This book teach about The Mobile Jungle, Understanding the Mobile Web, Browsers and Web Platforms, Tools for Mobile Web Development, Architecture and Design, Markups and Standards, Markups and Standards, Basics of Mobile HTML5, HTML5 Forms, Feature and Device Detection, Images and Media, CSS for Mobile, JavaScript Mobile, Offline Apps, Storages and Networks, Geolocation and Maps, Device Interaction, Native and Installed Web Apps, Debugging and Performance, Distribution and Social Web 2.0.

Pro jQuery

Book4Coding, Pro jQueryBook4Coding, Pro jQuery

More detail or purchase here >> Pro jQuery

Author: Adam Freeman
Publication date: Feb 24, 2012
Pages: 1,016
Detail: This book teach about;
  1. Getting Ready: Putting jQuery in Cintext, HTML Primer, CSS Primer, JavaScript Primer.
  2. Working with jQuery: jQuery Basics, Managing the Element Selection, Manipulating the DOM, Manipulating Elements, Working with Events, Using jQuery Effects, Refactoring the Example Part I.
  3. Working with Data and Ajax: Using Data Templates, Working with Forms, Using Ajax, Refactoring the Example Part II.
  4. Using jQuery UI: Setting Up jQuery UI, Using the Button Progress Bar and Slider Widgets, Using the Autocomplete and Accordion Widgets, Using the Tab Widget, Using the Datepicker Widget, Using the Dialog Widget, Using the Drag and Drop Interactions, Using the other Interactions, Refactoring the Example Part III.
  5. Using jQuery Mobile: Getting Started with jQuery Mobile, Pages and Navigation, Dialogs Themes and Layouts, Byttins and Collapsible Blocks, Using jQuery Mobile Forms, jQuery Mobile Lists, Refactoring the Example Part IV.
  6. Advance Features: Using the jQuery Utility Methods, The jQuery UI Effects and CSS Framework, Using Deferred Objects.

The Definitive Guide to HTML5

Book4Coding, The Definitive Guide to HTML5Book4Coding, The Definitive Guide to HTML5

More detail or purchase here >> The Definitive Guide to HTML5

Author: Adam Freeman
Publication date: Dec 14, 2011
Pages: 1080
Detail: This book teach about;
  1. Putting HTML5 in Context: Getting Ready, Getting Started with HTML, Getting Started with CSS, Getting Started with JavaScript
  2. The HTML Elements: HTML Elements in Context, Creating HTML Documents, Marking Up Text, Grouping Content, Creating Sections, Table Elements, Working with Forms, Customizing the Input Element, Other Form Elements and Input Validation, Embedding Content.
  3. Cascading Style Sheets: CSS in Context, Using the CSS in Context, Using the CSS Selectors, Using Borders and Backgrounds, Working with the Box Model, Creating Layouts, Styling Text, Transitions, Animations and Transforms, Other CSS Properties and Features.
  4. Working with the DOM: The DOM in Context, Working with the Document Object, Working with the Window Object, Working with DOM Elements, Working with Events, Using the Element-Specific Objects.
  5. Advanced Features: Using Ajax, Working with Multimedia, Using the Canvas Element, Using Drag and Drop, Using Geolocation, Using Web Storage, Creating Office Web Applications.

Learning PHP, MySQL, JavaScript, and CSS: A Step-by-Step Guide to Creating Dynamic Websites

Author: Robin Nixon
Publication date: Sep 3, 2012
Pages: 586
Detail: This book teach about Introduction to Dynamic Web Content, Setting up a Development Server, Introduction to PHP, Expression and Control Flow in PHP, PHP Functions and Objects, PHP Arrays, Practical PHP, Introduction to MySQL, Mastering MySQL, Accessing MySQL using PHP, Form Handling, Cookies Session and Authentication,  Exploring JavaScript, Expression and Control Flow in JavaScript, JavaScript Funtions Objects and Arrays, JavaScript and PHP Validation and Error Handling, Using AJAX, Introduction to CSS, Adcanced CSS with CSS3, Assessing CSS form JavaScript,  Bringing It All Together.

Dreamweaver CS6: The Missing Manuals

More detail or purchase here >> Dreamweaver CS6: The Missing Manuals

Author: David Sawyer McFarland
Publication date: Jan 23, 2012
Pages: 1030+
Detail: This book teach about Dreamweaver CS6 Guided Tour, Adding and Formatting Text, Introduction to Cascade Style Sheets, Links, Images, Tables, HTML: Under the Hood, Advanced CSS, Page Layout, Troubleshoot CSS, Designing Websites for Mobile Devices, Forms, Adding Interactivity with JavaScript, Add Flash or Other Media , Introduction Site Management, Testing your Site, Moving your Site to the Internet, Snippets and Libraries, Templates, Find and Replace, Customizing Dreamweaver, Working with Server-Side Programming

JavaScript & jQuery: The Missing Manual

More detail or purchase here >> JavaScript & jQuery: The Missing Manual 

Author: David Sawyer McFarland
Publication date: Oct 28, 2011
Pages: 540
Detail: This book teach about Writing Your First JavaScript Program, The Grammar of JavaScript. Adding Logic and Control to your Program, Introduction to jQuery, Alive with Events, Improving your Images, Improving Navigation, Enhancing Web Forms, Expanding Your Interface, Introduction Ajax, Flickr and Google Maps, Troubleshooting and Debugging.

HTML5: The Missing Manual

More detail or purchase here >> HTML5: The Missing Manual 

Author: Matthew MacDonald
Publication date: Aug 26, 2011
Pages: 450+
Detail: This book teach about Introduction to HTML5, A new way to structure pages, Meaningful Markup, Web Forms, Refined,  Audio and Video, Basic drawing with the canvas, Deeper into the canvas, Boosting styles with CSS3, Data Store, Offline Application, Communicating with the Web Server, More coll JavaScript trinks

PHP, MySQL, JavaScript & HTML5 All-in-One For Dummies

More detail or buy here >> PHP, MySQL, JavaScript & HTML5 All-in-One For Dummies

Author: Steve Suehring, Janet Valade
Publication date: Apr 1, 2013
Pages: 700 +
Detail: This book teach about 1) Getting Started with PHP & MySQL, 2) HTML and CSS, 3) JavaScript, 4) PHP, 5) MySQL, 6) Web Application and 7) PHP and Template.

HTML, XHTML and CSS All-In-One For Dummies

More detail or buy here >> HTML, XHTML and CSS All-In-One For Dummies

Author: Andy Haris
Publication date: Dec 31, 2013
Pages: 1,000+ (CD include)
Detail: Unknown yet (Maybe same as old version or input new content)


More detail or buy here >> HTML, XHTML and CSS All-In-One For Dummies

Author: Andy Haris
Publication date: Nov 16, 2010
Pages: 1,000+ (CD include)
Detail: This book teach about 1) HTML: Sound HTML Foundation, It's All About Validation, Choosing Your Tools, Managing Information with Lists and Tables, Making Connection with Links, Adding Images, Creating Forms, The Future of HTML: HTML5. 2) CSS: Styling with CSS, Coloring Your World, Styling Text,  Selector, Class and Style, Border and Backgrounds, Level of CSS, Using Positional CSS, Fun with the Fabulous Float, Building Floating Page Layouts, Styling Lists and Menus, Using Alternative Positioning. 3) JavaScript: Getting Started with JavaScript, Making Decisions with Conditions, Loops and Debugging, Functions, Arrays and Objects, Taking to the Page, Getting Valid Input, Animation Your Pages. 4) PHP: Server-Side Programming with PHP, PHP and XHTML Forms, Control Structures, Working with Arrays, Using Functions and Session Variables, Working with File and Directories. Connecting to MySQL Database.  5) MySQL: Managing Data with MySQL, Getting Started with Data, Managing Data with SQL, Normalize Your Data, Putting Data Together with Joins. 6) AJAX: AJAX Essential, Improving JacaScript and AJAX with JQuery, 7) JQuery: Animating JQuery, Using the JQuery User Interface Toolkit, Improving Usability with JQuery, Working with AJAX Data. 8) Moving from Page to Sites: Managing Your Services, Planning Your Sites, Introduction Content Management Systems,  Editing Graphics, Taking Control of Content.
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