The Definitive Guide to HTML5

Book4Coding, The Definitive Guide to HTML5Book4Coding, The Definitive Guide to HTML5

More detail or purchase here >> The Definitive Guide to HTML5

Author: Adam Freeman
Publication date: Dec 14, 2011
Pages: 1080
Detail: This book teach about;
  1. Putting HTML5 in Context: Getting Ready, Getting Started with HTML, Getting Started with CSS, Getting Started with JavaScript
  2. The HTML Elements: HTML Elements in Context, Creating HTML Documents, Marking Up Text, Grouping Content, Creating Sections, Table Elements, Working with Forms, Customizing the Input Element, Other Form Elements and Input Validation, Embedding Content.
  3. Cascading Style Sheets: CSS in Context, Using the CSS in Context, Using the CSS Selectors, Using Borders and Backgrounds, Working with the Box Model, Creating Layouts, Styling Text, Transitions, Animations and Transforms, Other CSS Properties and Features.
  4. Working with the DOM: The DOM in Context, Working with the Document Object, Working with the Window Object, Working with DOM Elements, Working with Events, Using the Element-Specific Objects.
  5. Advanced Features: Using Ajax, Working with Multimedia, Using the Canvas Element, Using Drag and Drop, Using Geolocation, Using Web Storage, Creating Office Web Applications.

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