Showing posts with label Server-Side. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Server-Side. Show all posts

Dreamweaver CS6: The Missing Manuals

More detail or purchase here >> Dreamweaver CS6: The Missing Manuals

Author: David Sawyer McFarland
Publication date: Jan 23, 2012
Pages: 1030+
Detail: This book teach about Dreamweaver CS6 Guided Tour, Adding and Formatting Text, Introduction to Cascade Style Sheets, Links, Images, Tables, HTML: Under the Hood, Advanced CSS, Page Layout, Troubleshoot CSS, Designing Websites for Mobile Devices, Forms, Adding Interactivity with JavaScript, Add Flash or Other Media , Introduction Site Management, Testing your Site, Moving your Site to the Internet, Snippets and Libraries, Templates, Find and Replace, Customizing Dreamweaver, Working with Server-Side Programming

HTML, XHTML and CSS All-In-One For Dummies

More detail or buy here >> HTML, XHTML and CSS All-In-One For Dummies

Author: Andy Haris
Publication date: Dec 31, 2013
Pages: 1,000+ (CD include)
Detail: Unknown yet (Maybe same as old version or input new content)


More detail or buy here >> HTML, XHTML and CSS All-In-One For Dummies

Author: Andy Haris
Publication date: Nov 16, 2010
Pages: 1,000+ (CD include)
Detail: This book teach about 1) HTML: Sound HTML Foundation, It's All About Validation, Choosing Your Tools, Managing Information with Lists and Tables, Making Connection with Links, Adding Images, Creating Forms, The Future of HTML: HTML5. 2) CSS: Styling with CSS, Coloring Your World, Styling Text,  Selector, Class and Style, Border and Backgrounds, Level of CSS, Using Positional CSS, Fun with the Fabulous Float, Building Floating Page Layouts, Styling Lists and Menus, Using Alternative Positioning. 3) JavaScript: Getting Started with JavaScript, Making Decisions with Conditions, Loops and Debugging, Functions, Arrays and Objects, Taking to the Page, Getting Valid Input, Animation Your Pages. 4) PHP: Server-Side Programming with PHP, PHP and XHTML Forms, Control Structures, Working with Arrays, Using Functions and Session Variables, Working with File and Directories. Connecting to MySQL Database.  5) MySQL: Managing Data with MySQL, Getting Started with Data, Managing Data with SQL, Normalize Your Data, Putting Data Together with Joins. 6) AJAX: AJAX Essential, Improving JacaScript and AJAX with JQuery, 7) JQuery: Animating JQuery, Using the JQuery User Interface Toolkit, Improving Usability with JQuery, Working with AJAX Data. 8) Moving from Page to Sites: Managing Your Services, Planning Your Sites, Introduction Content Management Systems,  Editing Graphics, Taking Control of Content.
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