Showing posts with label Maximiliano Firtman. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Maximiliano Firtman. Show all posts

Programming the Mobile Web

Book4Coding, Programming the Mobile Web

More detail or purchase here >> Programming the Mobile Web

Author: Maximiliano Firtman
Publication date: Apr 5, 2013
Pages: 774
Detail: This book teach about The Mobile Jungle, Understanding the Mobile Web, Browsers and Web Platforms, Tools for Mobile Web Development, Architecture and Design, Markups and Standards, Markups and Standards, Basics of Mobile HTML5, HTML5 Forms, Feature and Device Detection, Images and Media, CSS for Mobile, JavaScript Mobile, Offline Apps, Storages and Networks, Geolocation and Maps, Device Interaction, Native and Installed Web Apps, Debugging and Performance, Distribution and Social Web 2.0.
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