Showing posts with label HTML. Show all posts
Showing posts with label HTML. Show all posts

JavaScript: The Definitive Guide: Activate Your Web Pages (Definitive Guides)

Book4Coding, JavaScript: The Definitive Guide: Activate Your Web Pages (Definitive Guides)

More detail or purchase here >>JavaScript: The Definitive Guide: Activate Your Web Pages (Definitive Guides)

Author: Devid Flanagan
Publication date: May 10, 2011
Pages: 1,100
Detail: This book teach about Introduction to JavaScript, Lexical Structure, Types Values and Variables, Expression and Operators, Statements, Objects, Arrays, Functions, Classes and Modules, Pattern Matching with Regular Expression, JavaScript Subsets and Extensions, Server-Side Script, JavaScript in Browsers, The Window Object, Script Documents, Scripting CSS, Handling Events, Scripted HTML, The jQuery Libraries, Client-Side Storage, Scripted Media and Graphics, HTML5 APIs.

Pro jQuery

Book4Coding, Pro jQueryBook4Coding, Pro jQuery

More detail or purchase here >> Pro jQuery

Author: Adam Freeman
Publication date: Feb 24, 2012
Pages: 1,016
Detail: This book teach about;
  1. Getting Ready: Putting jQuery in Cintext, HTML Primer, CSS Primer, JavaScript Primer.
  2. Working with jQuery: jQuery Basics, Managing the Element Selection, Manipulating the DOM, Manipulating Elements, Working with Events, Using jQuery Effects, Refactoring the Example Part I.
  3. Working with Data and Ajax: Using Data Templates, Working with Forms, Using Ajax, Refactoring the Example Part II.
  4. Using jQuery UI: Setting Up jQuery UI, Using the Button Progress Bar and Slider Widgets, Using the Autocomplete and Accordion Widgets, Using the Tab Widget, Using the Datepicker Widget, Using the Dialog Widget, Using the Drag and Drop Interactions, Using the other Interactions, Refactoring the Example Part III.
  5. Using jQuery Mobile: Getting Started with jQuery Mobile, Pages and Navigation, Dialogs Themes and Layouts, Byttins and Collapsible Blocks, Using jQuery Mobile Forms, jQuery Mobile Lists, Refactoring the Example Part IV.
  6. Advance Features: Using the jQuery Utility Methods, The jQuery UI Effects and CSS Framework, Using Deferred Objects.

HTML5: The Missing Manual

More detail or purchase here >> HTML5: The Missing Manual 

Author: Matthew MacDonald
Publication date: Aug 26, 2011
Pages: 450+
Detail: This book teach about Introduction to HTML5, A new way to structure pages, Meaningful Markup, Web Forms, Refined,  Audio and Video, Basic drawing with the canvas, Deeper into the canvas, Boosting styles with CSS3, Data Store, Offline Application, Communicating with the Web Server, More coll JavaScript trinks

HTML and CSS for Beginners with HTML5

More detail or buy here >> HTML and CSS for Beginners with HTML5

Author: Mr.Mark Lassoff
Publication date: Jan 25, 2013
Pages: 220+
Detail: This book teach about Web development technologies, Hello World with HTML, Basic Document Structure HTML4.01/XHTML, Basic Document Structure HTML5, Using Comments in HTML, HTML Elements, Text Markup, Div and Span Tags, HTML5 Text Markup Tags, Selecting Text Color, Font and Font Size, Text Alignment, Decoration, Indentation and Text Transformation, Ordered List, Unordered List, CSS for Lists, Create External and Internal Links, Creating Page Anchor, Styling Links with CSS pseudo-Classes, Display Images, Image Links and Image Style with CSS, HTNL5 Audio embeds, Creating Tables with HTML, Styling Tables with CSS, Creating Text Form Elements, New HTML5 Form Elements, Creating Multi-Select Elements, Understanding the Content Box Model, Working with Margin, Padding and Borders,  Inline vs Block Level Elements and Positioning Divs, Float and Clear, Creating CSS navigation Bar.

PHP, MySQL, JavaScript & HTML5 All-in-One For Dummies

More detail or buy here >> PHP, MySQL, JavaScript & HTML5 All-in-One For Dummies

Author: Steve Suehring, Janet Valade
Publication date: Apr 1, 2013
Pages: 700 +
Detail: This book teach about 1) Getting Started with PHP & MySQL, 2) HTML and CSS, 3) JavaScript, 4) PHP, 5) MySQL, 6) Web Application and 7) PHP and Template.

Beginning HTML5 and CSS3 For Dummies (For Dummies (Computer/Tech))

More detail or buy here >> Beginning HTML5 and CSS3 For Dummies 

Author: Ed Tittel, Chris Minnick
Publication date: Sep 3, 2013
Pages: 440+
Detail: This book teach about HTML 5 and CSS3 for beginner, how to use both to create responsive, practical, and well-designed websites.

Learning Web Design: A Beginner's Guide to HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and Web Graphics

More detail or buy here >> Learning Web Design: A Beginner's Guide to HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and Web Graphics

Author: Jennifer Niederst Robbins
Publication date: Aug 21, 2012
Pages: 620+
Detail: This book teach about Where Do I Start?, How the Web Works, Some Big Concepts you Need to Know, Creating a Simple Page, Marking Up Text, Adding Links, Adding Images, Table Markup, Forms, What's Up HTML5?, Cascading Style Sheets Orientation, Formatting Text, Colors and Backgrounds, Thinking Inside the Box, Floating and Positioning, Page Layout with CSS, Transition Transforms and Animation, CSS Technique, Introduction to JavaScript, Using JavaScript, Web Graphics Basics, Lean and Mean Web Graphics.

HTML, XHTML, and CSS, Sixth Edition

More detail or buy here >> HTML, XHTML, and CSS, Sixth Edition

Author: Ed Tittle, Jeff Noble
Publication date: Aug 26, 2006
Pages: 450+
Detail: This book teach about Web Page Building Blocks, Working with Web Page Files, Basic (X)HTML Structure, Basic (X)HTML Formatting, Images, Links, Style Sheet Building Blocks, Working with Style Sheet Flies, Defining Selectors, Formatting with Styles, Layout with Styles, Dynamic Effects with Styles, Style Sheets for Handhelds, Style Sheets for Printing, Lists, Tables, Forms, Video, Audio and other Multimedia, Scripts, A Taste of JavaScript, Symbols and Non-English Characters, Testing and Debugging Web Pages, Publishing Your Pages on the Web and Getting People to Visit and Syndication of Podcasting.

HTML, XHTML and CSS For Dummies

More detail or buy here >> HTML, XHTML and CSS For Dummies

Author: Jon Duckett
Publication date: Jan 11, 2011
Pages: 370+
Detail: This book teach about Getting to Know (X)HTML and CSS, Formatting Web Pages with (X)HTML, Taking Precise Control over Web Pages and Styles, Scripting and (X)HTML, The Future of (X)HTML and The Part of Tens.

HTML and CSS: Design and Build Websites

More detail or buy here >> HTML and CSS: Design and Build Websites

Author: Jon Duckett
Publication date: Nov 8, 2011
Pages: 500+
Detail: This book teach about 1) Html structure, text, lists, links, images, tables, forms, extra markup, flash, video & audio 2) CSS Introduction , color, text, boxes, lists. tables & forms, layout, images and 3) HTML5 layout, process & design, Practical Information.
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