Showing posts with label 2012. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 2012. Show all posts

Implementing Responsive Design: Building sites for an anywhere, everywhere web (Voices That Matter)

Author: Tim Kadlec, Aaron Gustafson
Publication date: August 10, 2012
Pages: 288

Table of Contents:
  1. The Anywhere, Everywhere Web.
  2. Fluid Layouts. (Layout options, Fluid layouts, Elastic layouts, Hybrid layouts, Which approach is the most responsive?, Ems, Percentages, Bonus round: rems)
  3. Media Queries. (Viewports, Media query structure, Embedded versus external, Media query order, Create your core experience, Determining breakpoints, Navigation, Supporting IE)
  4. Responsive Media. (What's the problem? Selectively serving images to mobile, Responsive image strategies, Responsive image options, Background images, High-resolution displays, Other fixed-width assets)
  5. Planning. (Choosing to be responsive, Considerations, Consider your analytics, Consider your content, Consider where you're going, Consider the cross-device experience)
  6. Design Workflow. (Your mileage may vary, Thinking mobile first, Wireframes, Mock-ups, Style guides)
  7. Responsive Content. (Content types, What content to display and when, When should content order change?)
  8. RESS. (User agent detection, Feature detection, Combining user agent detection and feature detection, RESS The best of both worlds, Troubled waters, Installing WURFL, Detection Capabilities)
  9. Responsive Experiences. (A system of sensors, Network, Context, Capabilities)
  10. Looking Forward. 

Programming Android: Java Programming for the New Generation of Mobile Devices


More detail or purchase here >> Programming Android: Java Programming for the New Generation of Mobile Devices

Author: Zigurd Mednieks, Laird Dornin, G. Blake Meike, Masumi Nakamura
Publication date: October 19, 2012
Pages: 566

Table of Contents:

  1. Installing the Android SDK and Prerequisites.
  2. Java for Android. (Client-Side Java, Java Type System, Scope, Idioms of Java Programming)
  3. The Ingredients of an Android Application. (Traditional Programming Models, Activities Intents and Tasks, Android Components, Component Life Cycle, Static Application Resource and Context, Runtime Environment, Extending Android, Concurrency in Android, Serialization)
  4. Getting Your Application into User's Hands. (Application Signing, Placing an Application for Distribution in the Android Market, Alternative Distribution, Google Maps API Keys, API-Level Compatibility, Compatibility with Many Kinds of Screens)
  5. Eclipse for Android Software Development. (Concepts and Terminology, Eclipse Views and Perspectives, Java Coding in Eclipse, Eclipse and Android, Preventing Bugs and Keeping Your Code Clean, Eclipse Idiosyncrasies and Alternatives)
  6. Building a View. (Android GUI Architecture, Assembling a Graphical Interface, Wiring Up the Controller, The Menu and the Action Bar, View Debugging and Optimization)
  7. Fragments and Multiplatform Support. (Creating a Fragment, Fragment Life Cycle, The Fragment Manager, Fragment Transaction, The Support Package, Fragments and Layout)
  8. Drawing 2D and 3D Graphics.
  9. Handling and Persisting Data. (Relational Database Overview, SQLite, The SQL Language, SQL and the Database-Centric Data Model for Android Applications, The Android Database Classes, Database Design for Android Applications, Using the Database API: MJAndroid)
  10. A Framework for Well-Behaved Application. (Visualizing Life Cycle, Visualizing the Fragment Life Cycle, The Activity Class and Well-Behaved Applications, Life Cycle Methods of the Application Class)
  11. Building a User Interface. (Top-Level Design, Visual Editing of UI, Blank Slate, Laying Out the Fragment, Folding and Unfolding a Scalable UI, Making Activity Fragment Action Bar and Multiple Layouts Work Together)
  12. Using Content Providers. (Understanding Content Providers, Defining a Provider Public API, Writing and Integration a Content Provider, File Management and Binary Data, Android MVC and Content Observation, A Complete Content Provider, Declaring Your Content Provider)
  13. A Content Provider as a Facade for a RESTful Web Service. (A Network MVC, Video Content, Structure of the Source Code for the Finch YouTube Video Example, Stepping Through the Search Application)
  14. Search. (Search Interface, Query Suggestions)
  15. Location and Mapping. (Location-Based Service, Mapping, Google Map Activity, MapView and MapActivity, MapView and MyLocationOverlay Initialization, Pausing and Resuming a MapActivity, Controlling the Map with Menu Buttons and Keypad, Location Without Maps)
  16. Multimedia. (Audio and Video)
  17. Sensors, NFC, Speech, Gestures, and Accessibility.
  18. Communication, Identity, Sync, and Social Media.
  19. The Android Native Development Kit (NDK).

Foundation Game Design with HTML5 and JavaScript

More detail or purchase here >> Foundation Game Design with HTML5 and JavaScript

Author: Rex van der Spuy
Publication date: November 23, 2012
Pages: 752
Detail: This book teach about;
  1. Learning HTML and CSS. (HTML: Tag, Basic Webpage; CSS Font, List, Border, Padding, Height and Width, Cascading Style, Using <DIV> Elements, Positioning, Floating, The Box Model, Organize Code and Media)
  2. Learning JavaScript. (Variables, Conditioning, Function, Controlling HTML and CSS, Organizing JavaScript Code, Debugging)
  3. Your First Games. (A basic number-guessing game, Polishing Up, Making Really Nice Button, Seeing the Game, Alien Attack)
  4. Creating a Game World. (Array for Storing Lots of Information, Making an Adventure Game)
  5. Making Maps. (Array inside Array, Case Study: Island Adventure)
  6. Objects and Animation. (Canvas, Making Objects, Making Copies of Objects, Object States, Time State Changes, Monster Smash)
  7. Game Sprites. (Interactive Sprite, Interactive Sprite with Rotation, Moving a Sprite with the Keyboard, Screen Boundaries, Scrolling, Moving a Sprite with the Mouse and Touch)
  8. Bumping Into Things. (Point Collisions, Circle Collisions, Rectangle Collisions, Collision Funciton)
  9. Making Video Games. (File and Folder Structure, Firing Missile, Making Aliens, Shooting Down Aliens, Display Game Messages, Adding Sound)
  10. Making Bigger Games. (Planing, Building, Making Bigger Sprites and Game Message, Playing and Scrolling Time Bomb Panic, Maze Monsters, Switching Game Levels, Using a Tile Map Editor)
  11. Physics and Platform Games. (Natural Motion Using Physics, Hedgehog Apocalypse)
  12. Advanced Character Control. (X and Y Positions, Moving a Sprite with Easing, Mouse-based and Touch-based Platform Game, Rotation, Killer Bee Pandemonium, Using Drag and Drop for Canvas, Combining a Touch Interface and the Mouse in One Program)

Pro HTML5 Games

More detail or purchase here >> Pro HTML5 Games

Author: Aditya Ravi Shankar
Publication date: December 12, 2011
Pages: 364
Detail: This book teach about;
  1. HTML5 and JavaScript Essentials. (The canvas Element, The audio Element, The image Element, Animation: Timer and Game Loops.)
  2. Creating a Basic Game World. (Basic HTML Layout, Creating the Splash Screen and Main Menu, Level Selection, Loading Images, Loading Levels, Animating the Game, Handling Mouse Input, Definition Our Game States.)
  3. Physics Engine Basics. (Box2D Fundamentals, More Box2D Element, Tracking Collision and Damage, Drawing Our Own Characters.)
  4. Integrating Physics Engine(Definition Entities, Adding Box2D, Creating Entities, Adding Entities to Levels, Setting Up Box2D Debug Drawing, Drawing the Entities, Animating the Box2D World, Loading the Hero, Firing the Hero, Ending the Level, Collision Damage, Drawing the Slingshot Band, Changing Levels, Adding Sound.)
  5. Creating the RTS Game World. (Basic HTML Layout, Creating the Splash Screen and Main Menu, Creating Our First Level, Loading the Mission Briefing Screen, Implementing the Game Interface, Implementing Map Panning)
  6. Adding Entities to Our World. (Definition Entities, Definitions Our First Entities: The Main Base, Adding Entities to the Level, Drawing the Entities, Adding the Starport, Adding the Haverster, Adding the Ground Turret, Adding the Vehicles, Adding the Aircraft, Add the Terrain, Selecting Game Entities, Highlighting Selected Entities.)
  7. Intelligent Unit Movement. (Commanding Units, Sending and Receiving Commands, Processing Order, Implementing Aircraft Movement, Pathfinding, Defining Our Pathfinding Grid, Implementing Vehicle Movement, Collision Detection and Steering, Deploying the Harvester, Smoother Unit Movement.)
  8. Adding More Game Elements. (Implementing the Besic Economy, Purchasing Buildings and Units, Ending a Level.)
  9. Adding Weapon and Combat. (Implementing the Combat System, Building Intelligent Enemy, Adding a Fog War.)
  10. Wrapping Up the Single-Player Campaign. (Adding Sound, Building the Single-Player Campaign.)
  11. Multiplayer with WebSockets. (Using the WebSocket API with Node.js, Building the Multiplayer Game Lobby, Starting the Multiplayer Game.)
  12. Multiplayer Gameplay. (The Lock-Step Networking Model, Ending the Multiplayer Game, Implementing Player Chat.)

Core HTML5 Canvas: Graphics, Animation, and Game Development (Core Series)

More detail or purchase here >> Core HTML5 Canvas: Graphics, Animation, and Game Development (Core Series)

Author: David Geary
Publication date: May 14, 2012
Pages: 752
Detail: This book teach about;
  1. Essential. (Canvas Element and Contexts, Fundamental Drawing Operations, Event Handling, Saving and Restoring the Drawing Surface, Using HTML Elements in a Canvas, Printing a Canvas, Offscreen Canvases, A Brief Math Primer.)
  2. Drawing. (The Coordinate System, The Drawing Model, Drawing Rectangles, Colors and Transparency,Gradients and Patterns, Shadows, Paths Stroking and Filling, Lines, Arcs and Circles, Bezier Curves, Polygon, Advance Path Manipulation, Transformations, Compositions, The Clipping Region.)
  3. Text. (Stroking and Filling Text, Setting Font Properties, Positioning Text, Implementing Text Controls.)
  4. Images and Video. (Drawing Images, Scaling Images, Drawing a Canvas into a Canvas,  Offscreen Canvases, Manipulating Images, Clipping Images, Animation Images, Security, Performance, A Magnifying Glass, Video Processing.)
  5. Animation. (The Animation Loop, Calculating Frame Rates, Scheduling Tasks at Alternate Frame Rates, Restoring the Background, Double Buffering, Time-Based Motion, Scrolling the Background, Parallax, User Gesture, Timed Animations, Animation Best Practices.)
  6. Sprites. (Overviews, Painters, Sprite Behaviors, Sprite Animators, A Sprite-Based Animation Loop.)
  7. Physics. (Gravity, Warping Time, Time-Warp Functions, Warping Motion, Warping Animation.)
  8. Collision Detection. (Bounding Area, Bouncing Off Walls, Ray Casting, The Separating Axis Theorem (SAT) and Minimum Translation Vector (MTV), Detecting Collisions with the SAT, Reacting to Collisions with the MTV.)
  9. Game Development. (A Game Engine, The Ungame, A Pinball Game.)
  10. Custom Control. (Rounded Rectangles, Progress Bars, Sliders, An Image Panner.)
  11. Mobile. (Mobile View Report, Media Queries, Touch Events, iOS5, A Virtual Keyboard.)

Programming with Mobile Applications: Android(TM), iOS, and Windows Phone 7

Book4Coding,Programming with Mobile Applications: Android(TM), iOS, and Windows Phone 7

More detail or purchase here >> Programming with Mobile Applications: Android(TM), iOS, and Windows Phone 7

Author: Thomas J. Duffy
Publication date: Feb 6, 2012
Pages: 368
Detail: This book teach about The Computer of the Future is in your Hand, Developing for Small Devices, Best Practices for Small Device Programming, Google AndroidL Motorola MOTODEV Studio, Apple iOS, Microsoft Windows Phone 7, Web Applications, Cross-Platform Development with PhoneGap.

Pro jQuery

Book4Coding, Pro jQueryBook4Coding, Pro jQuery

More detail or purchase here >> Pro jQuery

Author: Adam Freeman
Publication date: Feb 24, 2012
Pages: 1,016
Detail: This book teach about;
  1. Getting Ready: Putting jQuery in Cintext, HTML Primer, CSS Primer, JavaScript Primer.
  2. Working with jQuery: jQuery Basics, Managing the Element Selection, Manipulating the DOM, Manipulating Elements, Working with Events, Using jQuery Effects, Refactoring the Example Part I.
  3. Working with Data and Ajax: Using Data Templates, Working with Forms, Using Ajax, Refactoring the Example Part II.
  4. Using jQuery UI: Setting Up jQuery UI, Using the Button Progress Bar and Slider Widgets, Using the Autocomplete and Accordion Widgets, Using the Tab Widget, Using the Datepicker Widget, Using the Dialog Widget, Using the Drag and Drop Interactions, Using the other Interactions, Refactoring the Example Part III.
  5. Using jQuery Mobile: Getting Started with jQuery Mobile, Pages and Navigation, Dialogs Themes and Layouts, Byttins and Collapsible Blocks, Using jQuery Mobile Forms, jQuery Mobile Lists, Refactoring the Example Part IV.
  6. Advance Features: Using the jQuery Utility Methods, The jQuery UI Effects and CSS Framework, Using Deferred Objects.

Pro C# 5.0 and the .NET 4.5 Framework

book4coding, Book for Coding

More detail or purchase here >> Pro C# 5.0 and the .NET 4.5 Framework

Author: Andrew Troelsen
Publication date: Aug 22, 2012
Pages: 1,560
Detail: This book teach aboutซ

  1. Introduction to C# and .NET Platform: The Philosophy of .NET, Building C# Applications.
  2. Core C# Programming:  Core C# Programming Constructs. 
  3. Object-Oriented Programming with C#: Understanding Encapsulation, Understanding Inheritance, Understanding Structured Exception Handling, Working with Interface.
  4. Advanced C# Programming: Collections and Generics, Delegates Events and Lambda Expressions, Advanced C# Language Features, LINQ to Objects, Understanding Object Lifetime.
  5. Programming with .NET Assemblies: Building and Configuring Class Libraries, Type Reflection, Late Binding abd Attribute-Based Programming, Dynamic Types and The Dynamic Language Runtime, Processes, AppDomians and Object Contexts, Understanding CIL and The Role of Dynamic Assemblies.
  6. Introducing the .NET Baes Class Libraries: Multithreaded, Parallel and Async Programming, File I/O and Object Serialization, ADO.NET The Connected Layer, ADO.NET The Disconnected Layer, ADO.NET The Entity Framework, Introduction to LINQ to XML, Introduction to WCF, Introduction to WF.
  7. Introduction to Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF): Introduction to WPF and XAML, Programming with WPF Controls, WPF Graphics Rendering Services, WPF Resources, Animations abd Style, Dependency Propertiesm Routed Events and Templates.
  8. ASP.NET Web Forms: Introduction ASP.NET Web Forms, ASP.NET Web Controls, Master Pages and Themes, ASP.NET State Management Techniques.

C# 5.0 in a Nutshell: The Definitive Reference

book4coding, Book for Coding

More detail or purchase here >> C# 5.0 in a Nutshell: The Definitive Reference

Author: Joseph Albahari, Ben Albahari
Publication date: June 26, 2012
Pages: 1,064
Detail: This book teach about Introduction C# and the .NET Framework, C# Language Basics, Creating Types in C#, Advanced C#, Framework Fundamentals, Collections, LINQ Queries, LINQ to XML, Other XML Technologies, Disposal and Garbage Collection, Diagnostics and Code Contracts, Concurrency & Asynchrony, Streams and I/O, Networking, Serialization, Assemblies, Reflection and Metadata, Dynamic Programming, Security, Advanced Threading, Parallel Programming, Application Domains, Native and COM Interoperability, Regular Expression.

Learning PHP, MySQL, JavaScript, and CSS: A Step-by-Step Guide to Creating Dynamic Websites

Author: Robin Nixon
Publication date: Sep 3, 2012
Pages: 586
Detail: This book teach about Introduction to Dynamic Web Content, Setting up a Development Server, Introduction to PHP, Expression and Control Flow in PHP, PHP Functions and Objects, PHP Arrays, Practical PHP, Introduction to MySQL, Mastering MySQL, Accessing MySQL using PHP, Form Handling, Cookies Session and Authentication,  Exploring JavaScript, Expression and Control Flow in JavaScript, JavaScript Funtions Objects and Arrays, JavaScript and PHP Validation and Error Handling, Using AJAX, Introduction to CSS, Adcanced CSS with CSS3, Assessing CSS form JavaScript,  Bringing It All Together.

Flash CS6: The Missing Manual

More detail or purchase here >> Flash CS6: The Missing Manual

Author: Chris Grover
Publication date: Jul 26, 2012
Pages: 840+
Price: $27.59
Detail: This book teach about Getting Around Flash, Creating Simple Drawings, Animate Your Art, Organizing Frames and Layers, Advanced Drawing and Coloring, Choosing and Formatting Text, Reusable Flash, Symbols and Templates, Advanced Tweens with the Motion Editor, Realistic Animation with IK Bones, Incorporating Sound and Video, Introduction to ActionScript 3.0, Controlling Actions with Events, Organizing Objects with the Display List, Controlling the Timeline and Animation, Components for Interactivity, Choosing Using and Animating Text, Drawing with ActionScript, Testing and Debugging Your Animation, Publishing and Exporting, Introduction to Adobe AIR, Making iPhone Apps, Making Android Apps.

Dreamweaver CS6: The Missing Manuals

More detail or purchase here >> Dreamweaver CS6: The Missing Manuals

Author: David Sawyer McFarland
Publication date: Jan 23, 2012
Pages: 1030+
Detail: This book teach about Dreamweaver CS6 Guided Tour, Adding and Formatting Text, Introduction to Cascade Style Sheets, Links, Images, Tables, HTML: Under the Hood, Advanced CSS, Page Layout, Troubleshoot CSS, Designing Websites for Mobile Devices, Forms, Adding Interactivity with JavaScript, Add Flash or Other Media , Introduction Site Management, Testing your Site, Moving your Site to the Internet, Snippets and Libraries, Templates, Find and Replace, Customizing Dreamweaver, Working with Server-Side Programming

Learning Web Design: A Beginner's Guide to HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and Web Graphics

More detail or buy here >> Learning Web Design: A Beginner's Guide to HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and Web Graphics

Author: Jennifer Niederst Robbins
Publication date: Aug 21, 2012
Pages: 620+
Detail: This book teach about Where Do I Start?, How the Web Works, Some Big Concepts you Need to Know, Creating a Simple Page, Marking Up Text, Adding Links, Adding Images, Table Markup, Forms, What's Up HTML5?, Cascading Style Sheets Orientation, Formatting Text, Colors and Backgrounds, Thinking Inside the Box, Floating and Positioning, Page Layout with CSS, Transition Transforms and Animation, CSS Technique, Introduction to JavaScript, Using JavaScript, Web Graphics Basics, Lean and Mean Web Graphics.
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