Introduction to Game Design, Prototyping, and Development: From Concept to Playable Game with Unity and C#

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Author: Jeremy Gibson
Publication date: July 21, 2014
Pages: 944

Table of Contents:
  1. Thinking Like a Paper Prototyping.
  2. Game Analysis Frameworks.
  3. The Layered Tetrad.
  4. The Inscribed Layer.
  5. The Dynamic Layer.
  6. The Cultural Layer.
  7. Acting Like a Designer.
  8. Design Goals.
  9. Paper Prototyping.
  10. Game Testing.
  11. Math and Game Balance.
  12. Puzzle Design.
  13. Guiding the Player.
  14. The Digital Game Industry.
  15. Thinking in Digital Systems.
  16. Introducing Our Development Environment: Unity.
  17. Introducing Our Language: C#.
  18. Hello World: Your First Program.
  19. Variables and Components.
  20. Boolean Operations and Conditionals.
  21. Loops.
  22. Lists and Arrays.
  23. Functions and Parameters.
  24. Debugging.
  25. Classes.
  26. Object-Oriented Thinking.
  27. The Agile Mentality.
  28. Game Prototype Examples and Tutorials.

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