Showing posts with label MVC5. Show all posts
Showing posts with label MVC5. Show all posts

Professional ASP.NET MVC 5

More detail or purchase here >> Professional ASP.NET MVC 5

Author: Jon Galloway
Publication date: August 4, 2014
Pages: 624

Table of Contents:
  1. Getting Started (Introduction to ASP.NET MVC, MVC5, MVC Application Structure).
  2. Controllers (Roles and Basics).
  3. Views (Basics, Models, The Razor View Engine).
  4. Models.
  5. Forms and HTML Helpers.
  6. Data Annotation and Validation.
  7. Membership, Authorization, and Security.
  8. AJAX (jQuery, Client Validation).
  9. Routing (Routes Generate URLs).
  10. NuGet.
  11. ASP.NET Web API.
  12. Single Page Applications with Angular.js.
  13. Dependency Injection (Software Design Patterns, Dependency Resolution in MVC and Web API).
  14. Unit Testing.
  15. Extending MVC.
  16. Advanced Topics (Mobile Support, Advanced Razor, View Engines, Scaffolding, Routing, Templates, Controllers).
  17. Real-World ASP.NET MVC: Building The Website.
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