Showing posts with label Mr.Mark Lassoff. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Mr.Mark Lassoff. Show all posts

HTML and CSS for Beginners with HTML5

More detail or buy here >> HTML and CSS for Beginners with HTML5

Author: Mr.Mark Lassoff
Publication date: Jan 25, 2013
Pages: 220+
Detail: This book teach about Web development technologies, Hello World with HTML, Basic Document Structure HTML4.01/XHTML, Basic Document Structure HTML5, Using Comments in HTML, HTML Elements, Text Markup, Div and Span Tags, HTML5 Text Markup Tags, Selecting Text Color, Font and Font Size, Text Alignment, Decoration, Indentation and Text Transformation, Ordered List, Unordered List, CSS for Lists, Create External and Internal Links, Creating Page Anchor, Styling Links with CSS pseudo-Classes, Display Images, Image Links and Image Style with CSS, HTNL5 Audio embeds, Creating Tables with HTML, Styling Tables with CSS, Creating Text Form Elements, New HTML5 Form Elements, Creating Multi-Select Elements, Understanding the Content Box Model, Working with Margin, Padding and Borders,  Inline vs Block Level Elements and Positioning Divs, Float and Clear, Creating CSS navigation Bar.
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