Showing posts with label Canvas. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Canvas. Show all posts

Foundation HTML5 Canvas: For Games and Entertainment

More detail or purchase here >> Foundation HTML5 Canvas: For Games and Entertainment

Author: Rob Hawkes
Publication date: April 10, 2011
Pages: 316
Detail: This book teach about;
  1. Introduction to HTML5
  2. Foundation JavaScript
  3. Learning the Basics of Canvas
  4. Pushing Canvas Further
  5. Manipulating Images and Video
  6. Making Things Move
  7. Implementing Advanced Animation
  8. Creating the Space Bowling Game
  9. Creating the Asteroid Avoidance Game
  10. Taking Things Further and the Future of Canvas

HTML5 Canvas

Book4Coding, HTML5 Canvas

More detail or purchase here >> HTML5 Canvas

Author: Steve Fulton, Jeff Fulton
Publication date: April 30, 2013
Pages: 750
Detail: This book teach about HTML5 Canvas, Drawing on the Canvas, The HTML5 Canvas Text API, Images on the Canvas, Nath Physics and Animation, Mixing HTML5 Video and Canvas, Working with Audio, Canvas Games, Going Mobile!, and Further Explorations.
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