Showing posts with label Book. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Book. Show all posts

Implementing Responsive Design: Building sites for an anywhere, everywhere web (Voices That Matter)

Author: Tim Kadlec, Aaron Gustafson
Publication date: August 10, 2012
Pages: 288

Table of Contents:
  1. The Anywhere, Everywhere Web.
  2. Fluid Layouts. (Layout options, Fluid layouts, Elastic layouts, Hybrid layouts, Which approach is the most responsive?, Ems, Percentages, Bonus round: rems)
  3. Media Queries. (Viewports, Media query structure, Embedded versus external, Media query order, Create your core experience, Determining breakpoints, Navigation, Supporting IE)
  4. Responsive Media. (What's the problem? Selectively serving images to mobile, Responsive image strategies, Responsive image options, Background images, High-resolution displays, Other fixed-width assets)
  5. Planning. (Choosing to be responsive, Considerations, Consider your analytics, Consider your content, Consider where you're going, Consider the cross-device experience)
  6. Design Workflow. (Your mileage may vary, Thinking mobile first, Wireframes, Mock-ups, Style guides)
  7. Responsive Content. (Content types, What content to display and when, When should content order change?)
  8. RESS. (User agent detection, Feature detection, Combining user agent detection and feature detection, RESS The best of both worlds, Troubled waters, Installing WURFL, Detection Capabilities)
  9. Responsive Experiences. (A system of sensors, Network, Context, Capabilities)
  10. Looking Forward. 

Bootstrap Site Blueprints


More detail or purchase here >> Bootstrap Site Blueprints

Author: David M. Cochran, Ian Whitley
Publication date: February 21, 2014
Pages: 304

Table of Contents:
  1. Getting Started with Bootstrap.
  2. Bootstrappin' Your Portfolio.
  3. Bootstrappin' a WordPress Theme.
  4. Bootstrappin' Business.
  5. Bootstrappin' E-Commerce.
  6. Bootstrappin' a One-page Marketing Website.

Learning Android


More detail or purchase here >> Learning Android

Author: Marko Gargenta
Publication date: March 28, 2011
Pages: 270

Table of Contents:
  1. Android Overview.
  2. The Stack. (Stack Overview, Linux, Native Libraries, Dalvik, Application Framework)
  3. Quick Start. (Installing the Android SDK, Hello World, The Emulator)
  4. Main Building Blocks. (Real World Example, Activities, Intents, Services, Content Providers, Broadcast Receivers, Application Context)
  5. Yamba Project Overview. (Yamba Application, Design Philosophy)
  6. Android UI. (Two Ways to Create a UI, Views and Layouts, Starting the Yamba Project, The StatusActivity Layout, The StatusActivity  Java Class, Logging in Android, Threading in Android, Adding Colors and Graphics, Alternative Resources, Optimizing the UI)
  7. Preferences, Filesystem, Options Menu and Intents.
  8. Services. (The Yamba Application Object, UpdateService, Looping in the Service, Pulling Data from Twitter)
  9. The Database. (SQLite, DbHelper, Update UpdateServer, Refactoring Status Data)
  10. Lists and Adapters. (TimelineActivity, Basic TimelineActivity Layout, About Adapters, TimelineAdapter, ViewBuilder, Updating the Manifest File, Base Activity)
  11. Broadcast Receivers. (BootReceiver, TimeLineReceiver, Broadcasting Intents, The Network Receiver, Custom Permissions to Send and Receive Boardbasts)
  12. Content Providers. (Create and Using Content Providers)
  13. System Services. (Compass Demo, Location Service, Updating Yanba to Use the Location Service, Intent Service, Sending Notifications)
  14. The Android Interface Definition Language. (Implement the Remote Service and Client)
  15. The Native Development Kit (NDK)

Programming Android: Java Programming for the New Generation of Mobile Devices


More detail or purchase here >> Programming Android: Java Programming for the New Generation of Mobile Devices

Author: Zigurd Mednieks, Laird Dornin, G. Blake Meike, Masumi Nakamura
Publication date: October 19, 2012
Pages: 566

Table of Contents:

  1. Installing the Android SDK and Prerequisites.
  2. Java for Android. (Client-Side Java, Java Type System, Scope, Idioms of Java Programming)
  3. The Ingredients of an Android Application. (Traditional Programming Models, Activities Intents and Tasks, Android Components, Component Life Cycle, Static Application Resource and Context, Runtime Environment, Extending Android, Concurrency in Android, Serialization)
  4. Getting Your Application into User's Hands. (Application Signing, Placing an Application for Distribution in the Android Market, Alternative Distribution, Google Maps API Keys, API-Level Compatibility, Compatibility with Many Kinds of Screens)
  5. Eclipse for Android Software Development. (Concepts and Terminology, Eclipse Views and Perspectives, Java Coding in Eclipse, Eclipse and Android, Preventing Bugs and Keeping Your Code Clean, Eclipse Idiosyncrasies and Alternatives)
  6. Building a View. (Android GUI Architecture, Assembling a Graphical Interface, Wiring Up the Controller, The Menu and the Action Bar, View Debugging and Optimization)
  7. Fragments and Multiplatform Support. (Creating a Fragment, Fragment Life Cycle, The Fragment Manager, Fragment Transaction, The Support Package, Fragments and Layout)
  8. Drawing 2D and 3D Graphics.
  9. Handling and Persisting Data. (Relational Database Overview, SQLite, The SQL Language, SQL and the Database-Centric Data Model for Android Applications, The Android Database Classes, Database Design for Android Applications, Using the Database API: MJAndroid)
  10. A Framework for Well-Behaved Application. (Visualizing Life Cycle, Visualizing the Fragment Life Cycle, The Activity Class and Well-Behaved Applications, Life Cycle Methods of the Application Class)
  11. Building a User Interface. (Top-Level Design, Visual Editing of UI, Blank Slate, Laying Out the Fragment, Folding and Unfolding a Scalable UI, Making Activity Fragment Action Bar and Multiple Layouts Work Together)
  12. Using Content Providers. (Understanding Content Providers, Defining a Provider Public API, Writing and Integration a Content Provider, File Management and Binary Data, Android MVC and Content Observation, A Complete Content Provider, Declaring Your Content Provider)
  13. A Content Provider as a Facade for a RESTful Web Service. (A Network MVC, Video Content, Structure of the Source Code for the Finch YouTube Video Example, Stepping Through the Search Application)
  14. Search. (Search Interface, Query Suggestions)
  15. Location and Mapping. (Location-Based Service, Mapping, Google Map Activity, MapView and MapActivity, MapView and MyLocationOverlay Initialization, Pausing and Resuming a MapActivity, Controlling the Map with Menu Buttons and Keypad, Location Without Maps)
  16. Multimedia. (Audio and Video)
  17. Sensors, NFC, Speech, Gestures, and Accessibility.
  18. Communication, Identity, Sync, and Social Media.
  19. The Android Native Development Kit (NDK).

Android How to Program (2nd Edition)

More detail or purchase here >> Android How to Program (2nd Edition)

Author: Paul Deitel, Harvey Deitel, Abbey Deitel
Publication date: January 20, 2014
Pages: 736

Table of Contents: (N/A)

Book Detail: 
- Introduction and Intermediate-Level Programming for Android 4.3 and 4.4 by using JAVA
- Teaching and Learning Experience for Teacher and Student. In this session  provide "Add an App Component to your JAVA course", "Motivate Students with an App-driven Approach", and "Enchance Learning with Outstanding Pedagogical Features".

FEB 2014 Top 10 Hot New Release - Programming Book

1# iOS 7 Application Development in 24 Hours, Sams Teach Yourself (5th Edition)
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2# Programming in HTML5 with JavaScript and CSS3 
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3# Java SE 8 for the Really Impatient 

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4# The Privacy Engineer's Manifesto: 
Getting from Policy to Code to QA to Value
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5# Beginning Haskell 
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6# Learning Android: 
Develop Mobile Apps using Java and Eclipse
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7# Data Structures and Algorithms in Java
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8# Programming in Java with Financial Literacy
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9# Android How to Program (2nd Edition)
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10# Web Development with Clojure: 
Build Bulletproof Web Apps with Less Code
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Entity Framework 6 Recipes

More detail or purchase here >> Entity Framework 6 Recipes

Author: Brian Driscoll, Nitin Gupta, Robert Vettor, Zeeshan Hirani, Larry Tenny
Publication date: October 29, 2013
Pages: 548

Table of Contents:
  1. Getting Started with Entity Framework 
  2. Entity Data Modeling Fundamentals
  3. Querying an Entity Data Model
  4. Using Entity Framework in ASP.NET
  5. Loading Entities and Navigation Properties
  6. Beyond the Basics with Modeling and Inheritance
  7. Working with Object Services
  8. Plain Old CLR Objects
  9. Using the Entity Framework in N-Tier Applications
  10. Stored Procedures
  11. Functions
  12. Customizing Entity Framework Objects
  13. Improving Performance
  14. Concurrency

Mobile ASP.NET MVC 5

More detail or purchase here >> Mobile ASP.NET MVC 5

Author: Eric Sowell
Publication date: November 20, 2013
Pages: 276

Table of Contents:

  1. The Basics of Responsive Web Design. 
  2. CSS Layout Bootcamp. 
  3. Flexible Layouts. 
  4. Flexible Navigation. 
  5. Flexible Content.
  6. Display Modes, View Engines and Html Helpers.
  7. Device and Feature Detection.
  8. Mobile Performance.
  9. Native APIs, HTML5 and CSS3 on Mobile Today.
  10. Programming for Touch.
  11. Advanced Touch Programming.
  12. Useful Libraries for Mobile.


More detail or purchase here >> Pro ASP.NET MVC 5

Author: Adam Freeman
Publication date: December 19, 2013
Pages: 832

Table of Contents:

  1. What's The Big Idea. (History about ASP.NET, Web Development Today, Key Benefits of ASP.NET MVC)
  2. Your first MVC Application(Preparing Visual Studio, Creating a Sample Data-Entry Application)
  3. The MVC Pattern(History about MVC, MVC Pattern)
  4.  Essential Language Features(Using Automatically Implemented Properties, Object and Collection Initializers, Extension Methods, Lambda Expressions, Automatic Type Inference, Anonymous Types, Performing Language Integrated Queries, Async Methods)
  5. Working with Razor(Working with the Model Object, Layouts, Razor Expression)
  6. Essential Tools for MVC(Using Ninject, Moq)
  7. Sports Store: A Real Application(Starting the Domain Model, Displaying a List of Products, Preparing a Database, Adding Pagination, Styling the Content)
  8. Sports Store: Navigation(Adding Navigation Controls, Building the Shopping Cart)
  9. Sports Store: Cart(Using Model Binding, Completing the Cart, Submitting Orders)
  10. Sports Store: Mobile(Putting Mobile Web Development in Context, Using Responsive Design, Creating Mobile Specific Content)
  11. Sports Store: Admin(Adding Catalog Management)
  12. Sports Store: Security and Finishing Touches(Securing the Administrator Controller, Image Uploads)
  13. Deployment(Preparing Windows Azure)
  14. Overview of MVC5 Projects(Working with Visual Studio NVC Projects, Debugging MVC Applications, Using Browser Link)
  15. URL Routing(Introduction to URL Patterns, Creating and Registering a Simple Route, Defining Default Values, Using URL Static Segments, Constraining Routes, Using Attribute Routing)
  16. Advanced Routing Features(Generate Outgoing URLs in Views, Customizing the Routing System, Working with Areas, Routing Requests, for Disk Files, Bypassing the Routing System, URL Schema Best Practics)
  17. Controllers and Actions(Introduction to Controller, Receiving Request Data, Producing Output)
  18. Filters(Using Filters, Authorization Filters, Authentication Filters, Exception Filters, Actions Filters, Result Filters. Other Filter Features)
  19. Controllers Extensibility(Custom Control Factory, Build-in Control Factory, Custom Action Invoker, Build-in Action Invoker, Improve Performance with Specialized Controllers)
  20. Views. (Custom View Engine, Razor Engine, Dynamic Content to a Razor View)
  21. Helper Methods(Creating Custom Help Methods, Using the Built-in Form Helper Methods)
  22. Templated Helper Methods(Model Metadata, Customizing the Templated View Helper System)
  23. URL and Ajax Helper Meothods(Creating Basic Link and URL, Using MVC Unobtrusive Ajax, Creating an Unobtrusive Ajax Form, Creating Ajax Link, Ajax Callback, JSON)
  24. Model Binding(Using Default Model Binder, Manually Invoking Model Binding, Customizing the Model Binding System)
  25. Model Validation. (Explicitly Model Validation, Displaying Validation Message, Alternative Validation Techniques, Performing Client-Side Validation, Performing Remote Validation)
  26. Bundles. (Profiling Script and CSS Loading, Using Script and Style Bundle)
  27. WebAPI and Single Page Applications(Using WebAPI, Understand How API Control Works, Using Knockout for Single-Page Applications, Completing the Application)

JAN 2014 Top 10 Hot New Release - Programming Book

1# Don't Make Me Think, Revisited: A Common Sense Approach to Web Usability (3rd Edition) 
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2# Photoshop for Lightroom Users 
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3# R for Everyone: Advanced Analytics and Graphics 

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4# Programming iOS 7

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5# The Photoshop Elements 12 Book for Digital Photographers 
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6# iOS Programming: The Big Nerd Ranch Guide (4th Edition)
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7# iOS 7 Application Development in 24 Hours, Sams Teach Yourself (5th Edition)
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8# 3D Printing For Dummies
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9# JavaScript & JQuery: Interactive Front-End Web Development
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10# Raspberry Pi Cookbook

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Foundation Game Design with HTML5 and JavaScript

More detail or purchase here >> Foundation Game Design with HTML5 and JavaScript

Author: Rex van der Spuy
Publication date: November 23, 2012
Pages: 752
Detail: This book teach about;
  1. Learning HTML and CSS. (HTML: Tag, Basic Webpage; CSS Font, List, Border, Padding, Height and Width, Cascading Style, Using <DIV> Elements, Positioning, Floating, The Box Model, Organize Code and Media)
  2. Learning JavaScript. (Variables, Conditioning, Function, Controlling HTML and CSS, Organizing JavaScript Code, Debugging)
  3. Your First Games. (A basic number-guessing game, Polishing Up, Making Really Nice Button, Seeing the Game, Alien Attack)
  4. Creating a Game World. (Array for Storing Lots of Information, Making an Adventure Game)
  5. Making Maps. (Array inside Array, Case Study: Island Adventure)
  6. Objects and Animation. (Canvas, Making Objects, Making Copies of Objects, Object States, Time State Changes, Monster Smash)
  7. Game Sprites. (Interactive Sprite, Interactive Sprite with Rotation, Moving a Sprite with the Keyboard, Screen Boundaries, Scrolling, Moving a Sprite with the Mouse and Touch)
  8. Bumping Into Things. (Point Collisions, Circle Collisions, Rectangle Collisions, Collision Funciton)
  9. Making Video Games. (File and Folder Structure, Firing Missile, Making Aliens, Shooting Down Aliens, Display Game Messages, Adding Sound)
  10. Making Bigger Games. (Planing, Building, Making Bigger Sprites and Game Message, Playing and Scrolling Time Bomb Panic, Maze Monsters, Switching Game Levels, Using a Tile Map Editor)
  11. Physics and Platform Games. (Natural Motion Using Physics, Hedgehog Apocalypse)
  12. Advanced Character Control. (X and Y Positions, Moving a Sprite with Easing, Mouse-based and Touch-based Platform Game, Rotation, Killer Bee Pandemonium, Using Drag and Drop for Canvas, Combining a Touch Interface and the Mouse in One Program)

Foundation HTML5 Animation with JavaScript

More detail or purchase here >> Foundation HTML5 Animation with JavaScript

Author: Billy Lamberta, Keith Peters
Publication date: November 30, 2011
Pages: 304
Detail: This book teach about;
  1. Basic Animation Concepts. (Frames and motion, Dynamic vs Static animation)
  2. Basics of JavaScript for Animation. (An introduction to HTML5, Animating with Code, JavaScript Objects, U.I.)
  3. HTML5 and Canvas graphics. (Trigonometry, Angles, Rotation, Waves, Circles and Eclipses, Pythagorean Theorem)
  4. Trigonometry for Animation. (Colors on the Canvas, The Drawing API, The canvas Context, Removing the drawing with clearRect, Drawing paths with lineTo and moveTo, Creating Shapes with Fill, Loading and Drawing Images. Pixel Manipulation)
  5. Velocity and Acceleration. 
  6. Boundaries and Friction. 
  7. User Interaction: Moving Objects Around. (Pressing and Releasing an Object, Dragging an Object, Throwing)
  8. Easing and Springing. 
  9. Collision Detection. (Collision Detection Methods, Geometric Hit Testing Methods, Distance-Based Collision Detection, Multiple-Object Collision Detection Strategies)
  10. Coordination Rotation and Bouncing Off Angles.
  11. Billiard Ball Physics. (Mass, Momentum, Conservation of Momentum)
  12. Particle Attraction and Gravity. (Particles, Gravity, Springs)
  13. Forward Kinematics: Making Things Walk. (Automation the Process, Making it Reality Walk)
  14. Inverse Kinematics: Dragging and Reaching. (Reaching and Dragging Single Segments, Dragging Multiple Segments, Reaching with Multiple Segments, Using the Standard Inverse Kinematics Method)
  15. 3D Basics. (3D and Perspective, Velocity and Acceleration, Bouncing, Gravity, Wrapping, Easing and Springing, Coordinate Rotation, Collision Detection)
  16. 3D Lines and Fills. (Creating Points and Lines, Making Shapes, Creating 3D Fills, Modeling 3D Solids, Moving 3D Solids)
  17. Backface Culling and 3D Lighting. (Backface, Enhanced Depth Sorting, 3D Lighting)
  18. Matrix Math. (Matrix Basics and Operations, Canvas Transforms)
  19. Tips and Tricks. (Brownian Random Motion, Random Distribution, Timer-Based and Time-Based Animation, Collisions between Same-Mass Objects, Integrating Sound)

Foundation HTML5 Canvas: For Games and Entertainment

More detail or purchase here >> Foundation HTML5 Canvas: For Games and Entertainment

Author: Rob Hawkes
Publication date: April 10, 2011
Pages: 316
Detail: This book teach about;
  1. Introduction to HTML5
  2. Foundation JavaScript
  3. Learning the Basics of Canvas
  4. Pushing Canvas Further
  5. Manipulating Images and Video
  6. Making Things Move
  7. Implementing Advanced Animation
  8. Creating the Space Bowling Game
  9. Creating the Asteroid Avoidance Game
  10. Taking Things Further and the Future of Canvas
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