The Beginner's Guide to Android Game Development

More detail or purchase here >> The Beginner's Guide to Android Game Development

Author: James S Cho
Publication date: July 28, 2014
Pages: 438

Table of Contents:
  1. Fundamentals of Programming (Data Type, Operations, Functions, Control Flow: If-Else Statements & For-While Loops).
  2. Beginning Java.
  3. Designing Better Objects (Constructors, Getters and Setters, Interface, Polymorphism, Inheritance, Graphics).
  4. Laying the Foundations (Java Game Development, Build Games, Development Framework).
  5. Keeping It Simple (Game Development High Level Overview, LoneBell Project, Gameplay Screen, Designing the Paddles & Balls, Exporting & Executing the Game).
  6. The Next Level (Framework Needs an Update, Methods to Know, Updating the Game Loop, Switching to Active Rendering, Updating the State Classes, Adding RandomNumberGenerator & Animation, Ellio:  Optimization Matter & High-Level Overview. Design and Implementing).
  7. Beginning Android Development.
  8. The Android Game Framework.
  9. Building the Game.
  10. Releasing Your Game (Publish a Game on Google Play, Updating the Game, Integrating Google Play Game Services).
  11. Continuing the Journey (Publish a Game, Additional Resources).

Professional ASP.NET MVC 5

More detail or purchase here >> Professional ASP.NET MVC 5

Author: Jon Galloway
Publication date: August 4, 2014
Pages: 624

Table of Contents:
  1. Getting Started (Introduction to ASP.NET MVC, MVC5, MVC Application Structure).
  2. Controllers (Roles and Basics).
  3. Views (Basics, Models, The Razor View Engine).
  4. Models.
  5. Forms and HTML Helpers.
  6. Data Annotation and Validation.
  7. Membership, Authorization, and Security.
  8. AJAX (jQuery, Client Validation).
  9. Routing (Routes Generate URLs).
  10. NuGet.
  11. ASP.NET Web API.
  12. Single Page Applications with Angular.js.
  13. Dependency Injection (Software Design Patterns, Dependency Resolution in MVC and Web API).
  14. Unit Testing.
  15. Extending MVC.
  16. Advanced Topics (Mobile Support, Advanced Razor, View Engines, Scaffolding, Routing, Templates, Controllers).
  17. Real-World ASP.NET MVC: Building The Website.

Practical Node.js: Building Real-World Scalable Web Apps

More detail or purchase here >> Practical Node.js: Building Real-World Scalable Web Apps

Author: Azat Mardan
Publication date: July 9, 2014
Pages: 300

Table of Contents:
  1. Setting Up Node.js and Other Essentials.
  2. Using Express.js 4 to Create Node.js Web Apps.
  3. TDD and BDD for Node.js with Mocha.
  4. Template Engines: Jade and Handlebars.
  5. Persistence with MongoDB and Mongoskin.
  6. Using Sessions and OAuth to Authorize and Authenticate Users in Node.js Apps.
  7. Boosting Your Node.js REST API Servers with Express.js and Hapi.
  8. Real-Time Apps with WebSocket, Socket.IO, and DerbyJS.
  9. Getting Node.js Apps Production Ready.
  10. Deploying Node.js Apps.
  11. Publishing Node.js Modules and Contributing to Open Source.
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